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Space Station

Due to a massive Solar flare the International Space Station has been evacuated by humans leaving B and his team of Droids to keep the platform functional. No tricks other than herding.

Space Station
MekoMole, Sep 9, 2021
MomoKeego and Sammy 5 like this.
    • MekoMole
      As B, due to his sophisticated electronics, cannot operate outside the shields of the station (16 x16 x 16 matrix) he has to instruct L and R droids to do the work. If you hate herding then pass quickly by.
      When rotating the robot arm best to raise the outer arms to the vertical and lower as needed. Leaving the unused arm vertical could also save you some problems.
      There is a video but viewing is like watching paint dry. Hopefully playing the level will be a bit more interesting.
      I've always been interested in pop up books and a lot of my Mekorama design activity recently has been experimenting in folding out from the matrix.

    • Denis Nazin
      My dear friend. I want to help you and give you some friendly advice - please optimize all your cards (QR code) using this program:
      All of your levels are very large-scale, it's cool and I like it, BUT at large levels, QR is usually not scanned! Because of this, you can lose a lot of players of your level. Many beginners do not know how to optimize QR, and many professional players do not want to spend time optimizing QR, so they may skip your level. I don’t want it to be that way. Your levels are interesting. Please learn how to use the program that I advised you - it is very simple! Best wishes from your friends) ;)
    • Rating:
      Good herding level but it was a bit repetitive.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you for your advice @Denis Nazin. I have attempted to use Studio, not however on this particular level, and haven't had success as the app won't load really complex levels or, if it does, corrupts them. I always test if QR codes I upload are readable and, if not, load an enlarged block to the Sandbox. I'm glad you don't mind my levels being large scale, it's an indulgence on my part.
      I'm becoming really interested in life outside the matrix and how B can interact in this environment other than herding L and R bots.
      Thank you for your continued interest in my projects, it's much appreciated.
    • MekoMole
      Fair comment @mastersifu, I was in two minds about publishing and have been sitting on it for a while. Hopefully my next level, Jumanji, will be bit more entertaining. As always thanks for playing and taking time out to comment.
    • mastersifu
      @MekoMole I always like to play your levels not because they looks huge, but because I like the mechanism inside and of course, your description. Jumanji? Sounds interesting.
    • MekoMole
      Thanks for the very generous rating @mastersifu. Hope I haven't built myself up for a fall with Jumanji. :(
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I can only estimate your huge work at 5! I agree that the gameplay is a bit repetitive, but interesting. Using the feature of walking outside 16-16. At first, I thought for a long time how to get 5 stars when there are only 4 guided bots. But everything turned out to be simple - the peculiarities of walking outside the boundaries of 16-16)). Thanks for your hard work. You deserve 5 !!;)
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Denis Nazin for kind comments and very generous ranking. This is the first in a series of expanded matrix levels. Is there life outside the matrix ? "It's life Jim, but not as we know it".
      At ground level things are relatively simple but on upper levels life gets complicated. My own experiece to date was that B is immobile on upper levels outside the matrix but recent experiments show that is not the case.
      He can piggy back on an L or R.
      Starting from ground level to a destination, also at ground level, but outside the matrix he displays some surprising characteristics, clambering over blocks and even climbing a staircase outside the matrix. Admittedly the climb is agonisingly slow and grotesque. I'll tidy up my test level and post to the behavious section. I could of course be reinventing the wheel. Hope this long winded reply is of interest.
      Thank you for your continued interest and kindness.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Nice one, next time avoid repetitive moves and noisy stuff.
    • MekoMole
      @Pratik Bhalerao Thank you for playing and for feedback. Agree with all reviewers about repetition and a good learning experience. As for noise this is a problem regarding the 'foldout' genre due to mechanism chatter. I agree it is annoying and usually turn down the volume unless my grandson is playing, in which case the noisier the better. I am working on other folding designs and the problem doesn't seem as acute. Perhaps my ISS is emulating the real one which is reportedly falling to bits. :)
      Thank you for your interest, it is much appreciated.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Here's the noiseless movable.
      No need to zero the volume.
      I made it 2 basic small mechanism horizontal and vertical to understand what is required at minimum to make a noiseless movable, i call it Cycle Movable.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Pratik Bhalerao, I'm studying with interest. My initial reaction is that this would't work on Space Station as the pivot point on my design is on the last block within the matrix. To build in the limit arm would mean pulling the pivot back several blocks to get the arm in. This would also pull the solar panels back inside the available space I had problems with the tipping balance of the solar panels as they are very heavy and this weight contributes to chatter. As I say an initial reaction and, with your indulgence, will come back when I have studied the solution properly. Doesn't help I am laid low with a bug at the moment.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      My B is afraid of heights so he was very glad that the bots had to do the Highwire walking!:p
      MekoMole likes this.
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