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Spring Loader

A small 3 bot co-op puzzle with some tricks

Spring Loader
Makl, Mar 25, 2022
MomoKeego, Sammy 5, Helena and 3 others like this.
    • Makl
      Momentum Run to kick a ball
      L/R using a bot toss to mount B

    • Pratik Bhalerao
      I can see the middle area, why keep it hidden?
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      B got stucked on inner Wedge and he cant go anywhere.
      Its kind of unstable to get out of B out there from his Home Spot.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - Sorry the opening B auto pilot isn't stable. I got it once out of over 30 tries. I have a video of getting good taps inside and B will not go in. A wedge in the opening might have been better. My B also hits the slider on the side and gets bumped off the level onto the white space no matter if the lift is up or down.

      On the one time that B did go in, L got on B when B was in the corner (on the grass) as I mistapped so B didn't run under but the slider pushed L out onto B. Just lucky. I was basically stuck at that point so restarted but wasn't able to get B back in.

      EDIT - Forgot to mention - I agree with @Pratik Bhalerao - why so hard to see inside. On the upper pass - one doesn't know if the block on the end is a stone pillar or a stone half round so working out the game play is much harder. Are there stairs in there too - does B need low ceiling? Not questions for you but these are what came to my mind because I can't see.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - I skipped the B move and won so can't rate. I seen my error with my first game play and quickly figured out the rest. I won a little faster than your video.
      I sent R into the stairs to collect L and then L walked onto the lift to the win. B didn't need to get involved again ie: do the stack.
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @Pratik Bhalerao because
      1.) Blocks to catch and guide a ball using a slider, then using the same slider to push the ball to the next slot.
      2.) Enclosed to make a pathway for autopilot (low ceiling) on first move
      3.) Just symmetry

      both yourself and @Meko Guy had too much difficulty with the first move, calling it unstable but..

      If I can do something repeatedly and not fall off of the level or get stuck, it's not unstable for me. Somehow i missed it.. Is it because of my device? Is it a stability thing from beta testing that I have but not everyone has? I don't know... Sorry, as that's not the most fun to fling your bots off of the level.

      Probably, I won't use the bot toss much more, as it's not the same for everyone. Some have been impossible for me and everyone else seems to have no trouble (in comments)

      Oh man, I suppose that would work. It's just that L won't rotate while on R... At least not very easily.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao

      I figured out.

      Referring to my previous comment.
      I accidentally tapped on white space while B reached the first Wedge and then he got stuck due to Cancel Pop.

      Regarding whole level
      It was sensitive gameplay. And little rigid at opening move.
      Little harder to see the middle part.
      Loved the use of Motor, R and the relating Ball.
      Locked Slider / Draggable between Grass has no use.
      Good leve though.

      Makl and Meko Guy like this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - I can't say the opening move was stable as you can see in my video - I had issues. The first two might have been too hard but I failed many times before I starting recording. I also got many good taps and B just wouldn't go in. What was I doing wrong when I got a good tap?
    • Makl
      @Pratik Bhalerao cancel pop does result in restart, yes. thanks for P, C, R and feedback. Always appreciated!

      @Meko Guy see that's crazy!! Never had B just fling clear off like that, and nudging the slider up always got B to squeeze in through the hole. But that behavior alone makes me question the viability of the move now:

      Maybe it's overall control sensitivity between players? I could only get B to hit the ceiling with a lot of applied force, where as a moderate amount would get him to the right height to execute the move, hitting the ceiling didn't have a negative consequence really: unless I did it prior to B being stable (I got him to fling off then) but I kind of just kept the risky move at the beginning.. sort of how we had discussed many times before.

      The thing is, and I'm just gonna have to work around this by getting multiple opinions probably (like I did with you and the other moves involving the bot toss) whenever I am doing moves that sort of push the limits of what we can expect out of the physics engine.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - I just checked and replacing the stone block where my B will not go in with a stone wedge, if one gets a good tap, B goes without delay over and over.
    • Makl
      Well then that's my problem! I don't know why it was working for me, but the next time I do a tunnel squeeze, it will involve a ramp instead of a block so that this sort of problem doesn't happen again and make a level borderline unplayable.
    • ridgerunner
      Whoa! Too much above to read. I liked the gameplay but i had some problems with the launcher sticking when R was on it leading to a few mishaps. The ending seemed needlessly risky as L can simply walk over R to the draggable. Hope i have not repeated from above.
      Makl likes this.
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      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very fun tricky level... thanks for sharing @Makl ;)
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @ridgerunner haha! Some issues people had with tricks. It was educational.

      I totally missed that R got frozen with L on top due to the slider and all. Much simpler way than what I planned.
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