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Keep it simple ;)

Ricko, Dec 15, 2016
YaAy, Denis Nazin, Helena and 12 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Lianne Malone
      Absolutely Amazing!! I nearly skipped this one because I had seen a couple of levels that had one or two blocks that were just silly but I stopped long enough to think that I have played a couple dozen of your levels and you don't make silly levels so there must be something there. And oh my goodness is there something there! What an amazing design. It blew my mind and it was great fun playing it. You have a talent and we all benefit from it!
    • WWzOfficial
      Actually, if B was in the level, you can complete it by spamming two front sides of the win block. If you do this correctly, B will start getting messed up and possibly touch the top.
    • nGord
      @WWzOfficial - True, we call that the Boogie Bot Bug - a type of inertia exploit of the game. While some exploits like variations of exploiting B's autopilot are fun and well received, exploits of inertia (Tripping on Air being the worst) are frowned upon by most. Excellent creators for the most part have avoided incorporating the need for inertia exploits and the gentlemen's agreement is that players in turn don't abuse them.
      Ricko likes this.
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    • Ricko
      @WWzOfficial That's true. Back in the time I create this, I wasn't aware of the "Boogie Bot" trick. Also it's imppossible to prevent the "Boogie Bot" trick without ruining the thumbnail. But I think that's fine because the main focus on this level is just simply for the surprise element. ;)

      And special thank to @nGord for the explanation. :)
      nGord likes this.
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