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Mildly tricky herding, with some tricks. B -mostly- sticks to the rooftops on this one.

Makl, Mar 17, 2022
Sammy 5 and delator77 like this.
    • Makl
      B does not start in the right spot
      Elevated Zapper
      sinking the first ball with L requires quick use of a certain slider, as well as proper positioning of another slider
    • Rating:
      Clever level and I liked the gameplay at first section.
      The elevated zapper trick didn't always work even though I had squeezed Zapper bot up so I guess a rail will be ok but I don't know if B will get zapped like this. Used the same method to get B to the roof at the last section.
      Good roof work and teamwork between the three bots!
    • Makl
      elevated zapper only works for a short time. Once Z spins out of place, the effect stops. I've always had this problem, but I've never had this many elevated zapper tricks in one spot so it became really obvious.

      Thanks for playing and rating! Glad you enjoyed and that there were no short cuts you found
    • Rating:
      Superb level although my gameplay had quite a few differences.
    • ridgerunner
      My main difference was
      at about 4 minutes I didn’t put B back over the top. Instead i let B on L stack do a similar move to what L does later in the video but timed as a miss autopilot so the stack lands cleanly and B doesn’t fall off
    • Makl
      @ridgerunner so when you say what L does later, do you mean
      when Z knocks L off his head with the fence?

      If that's the case, that's an awesome alternative path, but also seems a little more risky than what I had intended.

      As long as you reach the end the same way, and use all the bots and balls, I'm pretty content as a designer.

      Thanks for playing, rating, and feedback! Valued as always
    • ridgerunner
      @Makl . Answer is Yes to the spoiler question. Performed the move twice with success both times so I don’t know what would happen if it was mistimed.
    • Makl
      I guess it's not as dangerous as I imagined, as Z is a non-threat in the whole level, as long as you don't do anything ridiculously incorrect. @ridgerunner
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Tough level - I needed the video to safely get the last ball as I got tired of restarting and working back thru this long level to try another type of push.
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @Meko Guy thanks for the personal insights and advice and also for C and R. Always valued opinions!
    • Rating:
      Very fun level... thanks for sharing @Makl ;)
      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Awesome tricky level ! I did a little bit less herdng at the beginning to get pee and R over to the other side. Was trying to do a triple stack at the tall towers so a peek at the video solution really helped. Thank goodness the ending was so forgiving as it was a bit clumsy for both B and P!:p well done :thumbsup:
    • Makl
      @Sammy 5 thanks for P, C and R. Watching my video again, I should have done a retake. I was pretty clumsy with my herding for a walkthrough video..

      As for the end, it ended up being pretty high risk in my opinion! One wrong move forces a restart. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. I liked this one quite a bit.
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