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Catch The Star

Rumor says that who can catch a falling star, they will have all their wishes granted immediately. Now, B is trying to catch a star that falls at certain ruins, but catching a falling star is not easy as it says.

Catch The Star
guihubux, Mar 13, 2017
MomoKeego, delator77 and chemi like this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Now that's a big puzzle! In the end, I still did things in an inefficient order, but it worked. Nice design and challenging puzzle.
    • Rating:
      Wow! I spent hours on this level. I would say it is great, but... it has couple of steps at the beginning really complex from my point of view. The rest of the level are very nice and interesting logic steps playing with R and the balls. In summary a pro level very challenging as said @Block builder. Thanks!
      Can you confirm me that one of the two balls from back tower is useless?
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      This was just wicked cool. Each restart showed a flaw in thinking until all was clear. :cool:
    • guihubux
      Thanks @Block builder @chemi.:D
      I think it is useful, Its role(ball in the right from the preview image) is to remove the ball in the bottom, so the path to the slider near the cave is blocked then you can herd pillaR to the top to help B reach the ball over the wall. Did you find any shortcut that makes the ball useless?:confused:
      chemi likes this.
    • guihubux
      Thanks for playing and rating @Don G Rowe and the comment too. I appreciate it.:D
    • chemi
      I see @guihubux, yes I solved it in a different way because I tried many times that idea and never worked.
      Although the draggable below was in correct position to avoid balls run away, the falling ball always push down the first one so R never is blocked to turn right. R always went straight

      So yes, I found a way to reach the highest ball at the beginning of the level: autopilot above the cylinder to avoid zapper. Then, after pushing the highest ball jump over the stairs row again with autopilot from the draggable so B can arrive again to the beginning to do the level in what I think is the designed way.

      Your comment makes sense because honestly, I found those two steps too tricky for the overall context of the level. o_O
    • Block builder
      @guihubux So from what I understand the level is solvable without tricks. However there seem to be a few hints for tricks. That is, the puzzle is so complex, that you start looking for alternatives, and they are there.
      1. You can push B off the level at the start, and walk around the level. At the opposite corner there are stairs going down to the white background. They don't need to be, so it seems a solution.
      2. On top the area is split by a fence and two stairs. The stairs next to the fence is in line with a draggable of the nearby lift. This way there is a trick possible to let B jump from the lift, over the stairs. (Sent B from lift to stairs and quickly lower the lift). This line could have been blocked by a fence (or is that not possible when using R there?).
      3. To the right of the cave, there is a vertical stone pillar. With B on the draggable next to it, you can sent B far away to the right and quickly move the draggable. He then autopilots over the pillar. There could be something on the pillar to prevent that.
      I used 1 and 2, chemi used 2 and 3. Will try the intended solution later.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
      guihubux and chemi like this.
    • guihubux
      @chemi @Block builder Thanks...
      for playing and figuring out shortcuts. Honestly, I intentionally leaving a shortcut, the stairs to the white ground and unintentionally for the pillar shortcut because I think there is no way back after taking the shortcut and I don't know about the number 2 shortcut Block builders explains that can be used for a way back.:unsure: A bit disappointed because the tricking-and-tricked part fails.
    • chemi
      @guihubux finally solved it in the designed way. It is better than before, amazing level. Bravo!
    • Block builder
      Here's a movie of the 100% trickless solution. 7.5 minutes! That's a record. (not the longest level btw, but I mean for a 'regular' level)
    • chemi
      Thanks @Block builder, confirmed that NO EXPLOITS are needed.
      @guihubux just for your info another two shortcuts I used:
      1.- Autopilot above the first rolling ball to cross to the left.
      2.- Autopilot to the high vertical draggable at the other side of the level to get on R.
    • Block builder
      The lesson is: if your intended solution is of complexity level X, make sure all shortcuts of complexity below X are prevented. And honestly, X is very high in this level. :D
      guihubux and chemi like this.
    • guihubux
      Thanks for the video and the advice @Block builder. I appreciate it :). @chemi I'm sometimes using that trick too when testing the level:rolleyes:.
    • Rating:
      Initially I solved the level with some of the tricks @Block builder and @chemi mentioned, but didn't get to experience it the right way as that solution felt a bit "forced" and unnatural. Finally revisited it today and solved it again, but it looks like I've found another way to get B back to the other side:
      So my solution still required B to run around the island once (to hit the highest ball), but then he could just directly descend onto the beginning area using Pillar R as a support. From here onwards it's just a matter of reaching all the other balls (but in the end I no longer had to use Pillar R as a means to send B to the highest ball).
      Still, given its complexity I think you already did a great job despite the alternative solutions (it's not easy to spot them all as the creator himself when it's so complicated). Definitely one of the most complex pure logic puzzles here. ;)
    • chemi
      Congrats to be featured at official Mekorama FB page! ;)
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