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City Park

The combination of my level "Gate Operator" and "Body Help". Take a walk in this Beautiful (Dangerous) City Park.

City Park
Ricko, Dec 13, 2016
chemi and Astral_Mage like this.
    • Ricko
      In case if you stuck, here's the first spoiler:
      Raise the draggable in the highest building. When R arrive at the stair, quickly drag the draggable downward and see what happens.
      Hope it helps :)
    • Astral_Mage
      Looks beautiful indeed :3
      Ricko likes this.
    • Ricko
    • Astral_Mage
      Yes, and that too :D
    • Ricko
    • Rating:
      Really tricky :D The first move probably isn't something that could be easily figured out (I did read your spoiler), and
      B had some trouble lying flat in the hole for R to step onto
      , but overall a good combination of your two levels (with a different twist of Gate Operator). In the end I had to
      fiddle with the slider rail to force R onto B's body
      , but overall it's still a fun level. I guess it's just the amount of zappers that probably scared many away......:rolleyes:
      Ricko likes this.
    • Ricko
      @cpw Thanks a lot! I've try to make the last step always work perfectly but it seems like no way to solve the problem. The zappers are made to prevent cheating (Fall Exploit). Anyway, Thanks for the review! :)
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Excelent level @Ricko, it was a pity I had to read your initial tip because I didn't see that first step. :(
      Ricko likes this.
    • Khudrat
      @Ricko i don't even know how to start :(
    • Ricko
      @chemi Thanks! The first step maybe too difficult to figure out for all players. I'm sorry for that... :(

      @Khudrat Read my spoiler on the first comment! :)
    • TR O
      I manage to get both R bot down and release the zapperbot but have no idea how to reach the win o_O????
    • cpw
      @TR O Use something to fill the hole. :rolleyes:
      Ricko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Its a very nice tricky level, but, the last bit failed a few times for me, and the zappers were so omnipresent, that they not only prevented shortcuts, but they also prevented me to see the way to get B to the other side. But other than that it is a great tricky puzzle.
      Ricko and cpw like this.
    • cpw
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