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Does B have enough swimming experience to get through the lakes? One trick is required.

Link, Feb 13, 2022
    • Link
      - Low Ceiling
      (Thanks @Meko Guy For helping me with the tricks)
      Push the corner ball and keep it in place (blocked by the draggable) and Tap the ball for B to go on. As he is running, drop the ball, but first move the winblock draggable first to make sure the ball really goes in. Then tap when B falls onto the win so B will step off the wedge and walk to the win block.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link - I won with the ball - was that right? I didn't look at your trick list nor ending move spoiler yet....

      The first slider stuck a lot as well - see video
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I see the intended way now...
      Link likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link - I just looked at your spoilers and
      thanks for the plug but you asked me in a conversation with words and now that I've revisited the words with this level -
      the ball move wasn't auto pilot as B taps on the ball - gets on the ball and then you slide it.
      Only low ceiling is in this level.
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Initially looked more complex than it was.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
      @Meko Guy The mechanism is getting stuck for you? That did not happen to me at all o_O. Tried 8 times in a row and all went well. Is there a way to make it so it never gets stuck again?

      I also updated the trick list.
    • Link
    • Rating:
      Quick & fun... thanks for sharing @Link ;)
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A very nice little level. Thank you.;):)
      Link likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link -
      Yes and no. From my experience, an auto slider will generally stop at some point especially if a ball drops onto them. I've fixed that problem by adding another manual slider nearby that you can bang it into the auto slider should it stop. Not a pretty fix but it works. BTW, out of four attempts, the first one stopped 3 times and the second one stopped once. With that said, only my video one didn't start back up again on it's own.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
    • Link
      @Meko Guy I was thinking about the manual slider but it would cause too much commotion and noise…
    • Rating:
      Like it! :)
      Link likes this.
    • Link
      @Silva Thank you for playing and welcome back.
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      Nice little level. Thanks @Link. :thumbsup:
      Link likes this.
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