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Gagak Hitam

No Way Home

No Way Home
Gagak Hitam, Jan 12, 2022
    • Meko Guy
      @Gagak Hitam - This level looks a lot like your last level 8 'Ancient Ruins' - why is it reposted? I see a new name but the level looks the same.
    • Gagak Hitam
      Saya melakukan sedikit perubahan, karena saya menemukan jalan pintas.
      Apakah anda sudah menyelesaikan nya
    • Meko Guy
      @Gagak Hitam - As I told you before, when a level is reposted, normally, the author explains why.

      I do see a small change in front of ZapperR so the ball may roll back to let B pass. This wasn't there before.

      I didn't win this previous level as getting pillarL out wasn't stable. L would get stuck in the vertical sliders (manholes) and/or fall to the white space. I also believe you added some tricks like auto pilot. B needed to jump over a ball to the other side at the start. Since auto pilot appears to be required, then B can go up to free L quickly.

      Now that you changed the blocks in front of zapperR, the ball makes a huge shortcut. One auto pilot is still required.

    • Gagak Hitam
      @Meko Guy saya telah kecolongan. Anda dapat menemukan banyak jalan pintas yang tidak terpikirkan oleh saya.
    • Gagak Hitam
      @Meko Guy itu memang jebakan yang saya siap kan buat L. Karna jalan nya tidak demikian. Perubahan yang saya lakukan untuk menjebak pemain dalam tipuan agar memilih jalan yang salah, dan ternyata jalan itu yang membuat anda menang. Ahh sial
    • Meko Guy
      @Gagak Hitam - After many years of playing Mekorama, one generally finds shortcuts because the path isn't clear or the player can't see the proper way. I didn't set out to find shortcuts but you make all your levels deceptive with lots of red herrings or hidden which causes players to seek another way. If you made your paths clearer then maybe, you would get more players. Also using tricks like auto pilot and not saying this level requires tricks isn't very fair. We like to play and solve levels as per the author's intended way so how do we know if you are using tricks this time without saying so. It appears to me that you would rather have no players winning your levels and that is a very bad thing as eventually, players just skip your levels.
    • Gagak Hitam
      @Meko Guy benar sekali. Saya memang membuat agar mereka sulit untuk menang. Sebenar nya seluruh tingkatan yang sudah saya kirim di forum sudah di menangkan oleh teman kantor saya. Jadi saya berpikir jika ini akan jadi menarik dengan setiap tingkat yang semakin sulit bahkan terlihat mustahil
    • Gagak Hitam
      @Meko Guy tinggal 1 tingkat lagi sebelum saya merilis album baru yang mini dan desain yang unik. Di album ini khusus untuk bersenang senang
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