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R-bot Tricks Demo

This is a collection of R-bot-specific tricks that have been discovered thus far. In this demo you’ll learn about the kinds of blocks that R can / cannot walk on, how R can walk at a 45-degree angle, the R-stopper tricks, and how R can climb / descend without staircases.

R-bot Tricks Demo
cpw, Dec 3, 2016
    • trids
      @cpw - here's a curious trick/vulnerability that R suffers..
      Stair Block by @Mike_CN.

      Maybe you can include that with your next one?
      cpw likes this.
    • cpw
      @trids The first underground slider trick was also posted by @Mike_CN earlier in one of his levels -- I was wondering if it should be included but in the end decided to omit it (mainly because I thought it wasn't manipulable by a slider). The effect is achieved by adding a non-walkable block down the stairs, such that R would be tricked into believing it isn't walkable. It also invalidates the downward staircase antidote. What puzzled me was that if the fence's default position is underneath the path, the slider switch doesn't work, but if it isn't underneath by default (only to be pushed inside manually), the switch works as intended. Since it is now shown to be a manipulable trick, I'll definitely include it in the next version ;)
      trids likes this.
    • Rating:
      ****, all of these tutorials should have been the first thing I ever played. So much thought and research in one place, amazing. Excellent work with the level, the application of all the tricks and then explanations. I especially like that you credit everyone, so great. Just awesome work.
      trids and cpw like this.
    • trids
      @Chuckthulhu - don't worry, we've all trodden the same path... and there weren't even any tutorials then!
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Jose Luis Galiano
      An essential level due to his hard work of compilation. Thank you
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      A very well designed tutorial, and very instructive as well. Brilliant! :thumbsup:
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      I hope you start the B-bot tricks demos soon:rotf: ..where do you Start from?:D
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Thanks for taking time to create this and share all the details!
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      The first of the series and I have done the last jajaja!!:rotf: I love these demos ... plus the information comes very well to complete future levels !!! A great didactic work @cpw !!! THANKS ;)
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      Excellent compilation of R-tricks tutorial!! I'll gonna expand this reviews at the last part. Thanks!
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      | I've played and tried this one before and used the ideas to create several levels of my own. :eek: I wasn't aware back then that it's your work. :thumbsup:
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice tricks list,thanks for sharing:thumbsup:
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Kapsamlı Eğitici Arşiv. Sevmediğim ve Basit oyunları siliyorum, eminim bu eğitim kataloğu telefonumda daima duracak. Teşekkürler, Saygılar...
    • Shreyas Joahi
      Awesome demo of tricks!
      cpw likes this.
    • zi19
      I'm unable to do the Off-the-grid trick. I've let the bot on to the rotating thing, closed the door behind, but the bot just keeps rotating in place. Help?
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