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How much hatred

Long long time. Try to stand u crip

How much hatred
Caken, Jun 9, 2016
    • Caken
      /: u rated 1 star explain...
    • Sunny Sunset
      Wasn't me… Check your alert feed… It tells who rated you, so contact them directly with the funny little # and ask
    • Sunny Sunset
      As near as I can tell, this is a junk level. The bot cannot move. He falls over.
      It is not until he falls over that you can get something other than a red X to move to which by that time is too late. Unplayable… Not even time to use a bug. Unless you know of one and are not telling us :)
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset I always not tell like the flying bug not the hovercraft one or standing upside down but where u can click air
    • Caken
      @Seaish that first is meant for u
    • Sunny Sunset
      Hmmm... Let me look at it again
    • Sunny Sunset
      Nothing but red X
      and in the air,
      a way to step
      is just not there
    • Caken
    • Rating:
      Putting finger in nose is more fun and exciting. Waste of time.
      Caken likes this.
    • Caken
      @clorox that's what I thought so I added a ball for help hint hint
    • clorox
      So now it's a crap with ball. Nice improvement. Wow.
      Caken likes this.
    • Caken
      @clorox the better improvement was that this was suppose to be in Putput album hint hint or u could just learn how to walk with a crown of thorns
    • Sunny Sunset
      Your album names don't have any meaning to the rest of us. So putput is not a hint at all.

      The bot falls over too soon to do anything at all

      I cannot move him with a ball,
      I cannot move him down the hall

      I cannot take him to the mall
      Giant head will make him tall

      Other bot will make him fall
      Motion here is at a stall

      So, your bluff I have to call
      No, sir, he can't move at all.

      Now THAT'S Dr Seuss. ;)
    • Sunny Sunset
      That assumes you have any control at all in the short period of time you're given before he falls with that ball,because he's too tall. ( sorry, but this one tends to trigger stupid poetry, because there are too many elements in it that rhyme)

      There is no control.
      You can't hit the ball with anything.
      You can't step anywhere
      You can't affect the balance by tapping in the air
      You cannot do anything with this bot by doing anything with your finger
      Nor does tilting the device do anything either, which is often an involuntary reaction.
      The only thing you can do with this bot is helplessly watch him fall over

      If someone else can do something with this bot, great…
      It may be a fault of my iPad 3.
      Caken likes this.
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset why would you tap the air or try to hit the ball it's going to fast...
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  • Album:
    Put Into Action
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    Jun 9, 2016
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