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How much hatred

Long long time. Try to stand u crip

How much hatred
Caken, Jun 9, 2016
    • Sunny Sunset
      Because you said you added a ball "hint hint", and you also referred to a glitch by clicking in the air.

      In order to find a bug or a glitch, you must click everywhere, and try everything you can think of… And even things you can't think of

      Clearly, you've not yet been a beta tester ;)
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset the air is for yet another level for thou has fort old that I wanted to piss ppl off in my first thou am I Shakespeare yet for thou thy level was intended to, this level is possible just the ball hint....... Was planned well apparently
    • Sunny Sunset
      Me thinketh thou protest too much…
      Whether by the light of the moon, or the bright of the sun, thou cannot pleaseth all people all of the time, nor can the lot of them all please thou.

      Be gone, thy heathen child! Tis well past one's bedtime all over the face of this wretched continent.
      :). :)
    • Sunny Sunset
      Blimey… You must be on a totally different planet
      ... or in Hawaii
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset I call it hawhawhawimonadifferentplanetcalledhawaii
    • Caken
      @clorox I'd rather drink bleach than play my levels
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