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Have Fun 5

Last one of this series ✨

Have Fun 5
Anomynous, Nov 26, 2021
    • Anomynous
      -Hercules Push
      • Drop the red one first then green for stable result :)
      [​IMG] • Turn on full brightness for better result :)
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Aside from having more than one goal to focus on - I enjoyed the level. I would have preferred if the stars were not scattered here and there but lead you to the end goal versus multiple goals.
      The opening was obscure and challenging to get going as B had free range to start almost anywhere (this can be hard as more options are available right off). I did get fixated on a B bump move that wasn't intended and it wasn't very reliable but I figured I was just doing it wrong but turns out it was totally wrong. After I got the flow, I got to the win - watching the video (in sped up action) hard to say if mine was longer or not as I did it in different order. Thanks for sharing.

      BTW, I seen all the tricks almost immediately, I just needed to get the game play (order).
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - I thought about this - the 3rd item in your trick list isn't really in this level. It's more of a
      slider - mechanism push
      which isn't a trick.
    • Anomynous
      @Meko Guy Thanks for such a nice and detailed review. Yeah that's was not the hercules... Goint to remove that :p
      I meaely forgot that hercules is with autopilot :D
      About more than one goals.... Emmm nowadays i like this way to make more than 1 goal :D It makes the level more interesting and let the player think more carefully about what if and what if ;)
    • Rating:
      Great fun and many nice moves. My favourite was the squeezed leap. I also liked the use of P to trap the ball which worked well when I wasn’t sure it was the correct gameplay.
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - I can see the appeal to having more than one goal but in my mind, it's the easy way (lack of building). Placing a star at all 4 quadrants of a level makes B or a bot reach that section in order to win. Placing a ball in all 4 quadrants serves the same purpose but the balls don't disappear when dropped and must be dealt with - like filling a path to the win. My point, stars all over the place adds game play (not sure if I would call it, interest) but do the stars fit the game play? For example, in this level, it appears to me that you didn't know if you wanted the win spot to be the rolling ball over P or B over P to the win. Either was okay but then you added in two more stars. The ball one wasn't an issue as it had to be collected as part of the game but the other star was just extra steps - nothing challenging. You could have added another extra star up top so B would have to mount P again, etc, glad you didn't as it wasn't needed.
    • Anomynous
      @Meko Guy Agreed . Balls in the place of stars a nice idea....
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - It's just me - we've seen it already - a player will place 5 stars some place, one way up there in the air, another way over there etc. B needs to get tossed and thrown and whatever - not great fun to me.
    • Rating:
      Very enjoyable tricky level,a lot of things to do :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @Anomynous ;)
      btw, your advice (hint)was very helpful :p:D:rotf:... better,right?:rolleyes:
    • Anomynous
      @ridgerunner Thanks alot master for such a sweet review ✨
      @delator77 Thanks alot buddy.... Butttttt i followedo_O i dropped the red 1st then green :sneaky:

      Thanks both 4 P,C&R ✨❤️
    • delator77
      @Anomynous jajaja,you are absolutely right!! my bad ...I will re- edit my comment!! sorry bro :);)
    • Anomynous
    • Rating:
      Papo Mendez
      Muy buen nivel. Tuve que trabajar duro en el, porque hay mucho que hacer y hay que estar bien concentrado. Pero es emocionante. Ideas bien escogidas. Y diseño exacto, no sobra nada en él. Gracias por compartir
    • Anomynous
      @Papo Mendez Muchas gracias amigo. Es la primera vez que juegas a uno de mis niveles, así que bienvenido a mi perfil. Glas para escuchar tus amables palabras y feliz de que hayas disfrutado :)
      Sigue apoyando :)
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I liked all the movements and techniques very much! Cool level - as always! I fell into all your traps:rotf:). But after restarting, you already know exactly how to fix the error so as not to fall into the trap. Thanks! Very cool level.:thumbsup:;)
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    Have Fun
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    Nov 26, 2021
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