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Meko Guy

Squat Drop Pop

B will need two tricks to get both stars

Squat Drop Pop
Meko Guy, Nov 16, 2021
Ray Aznable, Sammy 5, Helena and 2 others like this.
    • Meko Guy
      - squat drop (squish B with a lift, tap a lower level)
      - low ceiling
    • Rating:
      Less complex than recent levels , perhaps why my gameplay is same as video, but still very enjoyable.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      I cracked it without any restart, Wow!

      I did find little difficult to turn R but found a amazing way to redirect him.

      Short and fun level!
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - First, thanks for P, C and R. You are right, ref less complex, but more players prefer that. Tomorrow's level is even less but there are more complex ones in the works so you should have some challenges ahead.
    • ridgerunner
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Super! Thank you for making your levels a little shorter and more accessible. Now I can pass them!) And I want to say, in my opinion, this is a difficult level! But affordable. Thank you so much for making it possible to return on failure !!! This is very important and cool! Thanks to this, I was also able to complete your level without reloading! This is a very cool level criterion. For this, thank you very much and a big "+" !! You can think for a long time and try some part of the level, and you do not need to restart and go through the beginning again! This is very, very COOL! thanks. :thumbsup:
      And I really loved the squat trick!:thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
      @Denis Nazin - I often use that technique in my levels. As I build the level, I say what if the player fails here, can I give the player another chance to retry without restarting. Sometimes, the answer is no but many times there is a way around to carry on. Of course, these helpful pathways take away from the design and make the level busier but I'll go for helping the player over design if I can.

      Another thing I often do is give the player a taste of a move like where B starts, the squat drop is required to get B going. I use the move again in the level, on the other side but in a different way - it's up to you to figure out the move but you should as you have the skills/knowledge from the first one.

      Glad you won the level and thanks for commenting and rating.

      Here's the original card with 'B's Sneak Thru' and 'Squat Drop Pop' together in one card. If you get a chance, give it a go, it's longer but the game play is the same as the two you already won. :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Yes, less complex but more enjoyable. I like the placement of stars that help to guide the players about the trick.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Wow ! Another one I was able to do on my own:p Thanks :thumbsup:
      This level was Fun with helpful recovery points and nice bot stacks :D
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      hilarious way to stack bots
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Nov 16, 2021
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