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Bronze Panther

Fold out level. Easy to moderate difficulty dependent on experience. No tricks. Pushed jump, hidden star, zappers cosmetic only, multiple ball drop, herding. See comments for illustration of level unfolded and video walk through.

Bronze Panther
MekoMole, Oct 25, 2021
    • MekoMole

      Yet another fold out Indiana B Temple scene. OTT graphics hosting mediocre game play.
      Grateful thanks once again to @delator77 for previewing and testing. His solution differs from my published video in some aspects. Thank you my friend.
      If you tire of B's long climb to the roof of the temple, I like to give him free reign now and again, spin the scene, tap his destination af the top and move on to taking the first star while he climbs.
      Remember that B's climbing abilities are severely restricted outside the game area but are fully restored if he is moved back inside.
      There is path reuse which I hope doesn't prove too repetitive and tedious.
      If B is knocked off his rotating perch, accidentally rather than deliberately, look to see if the designer put in any aids.
      There is a hidden star but shouldn't be too hard to find.
      Not always easy to see paths and moves in such a crowded scene but judicious use of zoom might help.
      A hopefully fun level not to be taken too seriously.
    • MekoMole
    • Rating:
      Great looking level . My gameplay felt totally different but that was mainly due to my path being the reverse of the designed gameplay. So the main difference was that I didn’t use the White. Probably quite a few different ways to win.
      i placed B on the panthers hind quarters and lowered it.The long rail draggable with the hockey stick shaped rotatable can then be rotated so that B can step onto it.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! Another astonishing Meko-design....loved the openning,seeing the scary panther ready to attack... & the logic gameplay was interesting too... as I only tested to find inestabilities or obvious shortcut & did not find any,I feel free to rate the level... thanks for sharing @MekoMole ;)
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @ridgerunner for kind comments and very generous rating.
      Very interested in your spoiler comment and full marks for spotting this. I was aware very early on in the design process for the potential use of the hockey stick swinging over to the panther. Indeed I seriously considered using it to get either B or L over to the star but decided against it and relied on the wedge block preventing such a move. Much later on I added the ability to lower the Panther and didn't recheck the hockey stick . Doh. Nae foolin a canny Scot.
    • MekoMole
      @delator77 Thanks my friend for your kind support and very generous rating. To have two of the top players on the forum playing and rating my levels is great motivation to do more.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      I appreciate your statue structure making concept.

      But personally, I don't like it playing often.
      It gives looks but may not the gameplay or fun I wanted.

      I tried this card, but ended up at boredom.
      Because it was taking took much time to connect the path. And what was blocking? The structure itself.

      Dont feel offended, I just shared my thoughts.
      I did liked your Panther.
    • MekoMole
      @Pratik Bhalerao No offence taken but might I suggest that you adopt a slightly more diplomatic vocabulary in your critiques of this and many other levels? I accept that these levels do not not give you the gameplay experience you are looking for and in this context your criticism is justified. The gameplay in my levels is targeted mainly at players with average ability but is hopefully of interest to other more experienced players and designers.

      My main interest is the design of structures and characters. I also like animation. I suspect your main interests are in logic and the world of tricks. I am not a proficient logic player and tricks leave me cold. Having said this I admire the ingenuity and tenacity of those designers who discover and cleverly exploit these bugs. Is this not a strength of Mekorama, that both worlds can co-exist?

      Thank you for trying the card and for your feedback. I hope I haven't given offence in my reply and you will continue to take an interest in my work.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Of course. From start only I have attitude to support every player.
    • Rating:
      Spectacular design. I didn't have so many moves at the first tower as there's a shorter way round. I like watching the black things being discharged from the panther which looks like it's pooping a lot. The last star took me for a while to figure as I didn't notice that slider.
    • MekoMole
      Thank @mastersifu for kind comments and very generous rating. I had a good chuckle at the 'pooping' comment. Sorry about the last star, trying to make the slider not too conspicuous but have been over enthusiatically cloak and dagger. Thanks for playing.
    • Rating:
      Thank you @mastersifu
      And thank you @MekoMole !
    • MekoMole
      Thank you for a very generous rating @Valentin and glad that @mastersifu was able to help you find the elusive slider. Thanks for playing.
    • Papo Mendez
      Me gustó mucho esta Targeta, refrescante, atajos y caminos que recuerda otro mundo. Gracias buen amigo por compartirla con todos
    • Papo Mendez
      Traté de no hacerlo como la demostración y encontré unos atajos intetesantes que ahorran tiempo de juego porque la primera vez que lo jugué no habia visto el video y tardé mas de media hora para completarlo, aun asi tiene mis 5 estrellas. Gracias
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