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Useful Cross

Cross: I have a lot of applications!

Useful Cross
P_simorf, Oct 25, 2021
    • Buurmas
      That was pretty challenging for me, but satisfying. You not only have unusual moves and an unusual mechanism, but build an excellent logic level around them. I am quite impressed by this!

      With trial & error I discovered how to get B past the cross (at the beginning of the level, there's not much else to do besides experiment with the cross, right?). After that the key is:
      Get the cross to lie flat. As your video shows, holding the draggable can ease the cross down if it isn't completely flat.
      Get good at raising the cross up just the right amount.
      But the movable had me stuck & I needed to consult the video.
      I was certain that you had a red herring in there for one of the balls, but couldn't see any other way to manage the movable. Sometimes my brain just doesn't see all the autopilot opportunities!
      What was that move to jump over the ball at the foot of the cross??? I'll have to experiment with that. My move was to
      stand on the ball and raise the cross a bit. I think it started turning the ball or something.
      But I see that @Denis Nazin found a different way to get over the double stair at the foot of the cross that didn't need the ball at all.

      Anyway, pretty interesting &, again, fun that people found different approaches.
      P_simorf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Very tricky...would not have figured it out without the VS!:p
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