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Step by Step

B must go step by step for maximum stability. Elevated eye is used only.

Step by Step
    • Rating:
      I whizzed through the first half, but once i had all the bots on the other side I struggled. I think i was too focused on the top draggable having an additional use but I couldn’t see a win doing that. Change of gameplay and i think i have the designed win.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner Glad to see you got through the first half with ease. The top slider did include in my gameplay for both sides. I'll post the video solution tomorrow morning, bedtime now. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu ..i did end up using the top draggable twice but the second time i had the wrong bots stacked and was thinking of the wrong moves at first.
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu .. here is video of my gameplay. Got into a fankle at 1:30 when i forgot what happened next then i tapped wrong block also.
    • MekaSage
      @ridgerunner - I had never heard the word fankle before, so thank you for teaching me a new word!
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner There are some minor differences in the first half gameplay. The ending and the huge stack of bots were the same. Here's my lengthier first half -
      I failed to notice your moves to get B on R at 0:33 and that reminds me of my level - Pfund where shortcuts are found thanks to the slider push. It just goes against the rules of my brain. I should be more aware of that.

      And at 1:10, I don't know why B can dismount R from that height. It seems impossible to me so thanks for your video. I had B on P and then P brings B to dismount at the top slider area.
      MekaSage likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu . That is indeed a complicated first half gameplay. I am not sure if i have the patience to discover paths like that. It was because of my move at 0.33 that i expected a similar move on the other side in the second half. The move was 100% reliable and the rail made it safe.
    • ridgerunner
      @MekaSage ..fankle.. i try to avoid using words in the Scottish dialect as they will be difficult to translate. But that word slipped through as I didn’t realise it wasn’t in general use in the English language . It doesn’t even appear in my ipad dictionary. We Scots use it a lot.
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      As always, a very difficult and very confusing level. But I could not guess only one move in the second part. Thanks to @ridgerunner for the video walkthrough.
      @mastersifu My dear friend - you definitely need to do a video walkthrough in the first comment. Previously, your levels were more accessible, but you made videos. Now your levels have become much more difficult. But for some reason you don't make a video walkthrough. Please (in the future levels) record a video - this is my request.

      The first part of your level can be completed faster (no tricks!). Here's a video:
    • Meko Guy
      @masterifu - So much for toning down levels as we previously discussed. Very hard level and after a LONG time I finally got to the 2nd half and then spend even longer without any progress so I gave up. I was hoping that the 2nd half would be easier than the first as the first half was HARD enough. Hard due to the timing and while freezing bots in place, the corner one would not always work so had to go around again or B would fall off of the lower one and need to repeat even more. I decided to watch your video and you needed 5 minutes for just the first half :eek::oops:. BTW, I did it the same but maybe a bit too involved for only half way.

      As I said a few days ago, the ending requires lots of testing to see what to do, luckily one can try many things without restarting however the intended method has not been figured out by me and based on the comments so far, only one player has found a way and that player is a super player.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Finally - I won and then looked at @ridgerunner's video. On the first part, I got B on R like that too especially if R got away before B mounted.
      In the 2nd half, it took me forever to see the R move back. When doing the first half, I figured where R came back was where B would go over... In other words, send P and R over, get P on R so B can mount them in the corner but I couldn't find a way for the mount to happen so did it as intended.
      My game play was similar to @ridgerunner's but I froze P with the lift so R could mount but I guess bots can be turning now and the upper bot are still stable. Very hard level.
    • mastersifu
      @Denis Nazin I definitely will record a video solution when I have the time to do so. But the assignments that pile up recently was giving me a headache. I watched your video and I will consider it as a risky move as Pillar R will not always turn right so good for you. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy Thanks a lot for playing, commenting and rating. As a creator, I had a massive bias here as I thought the level was quite apparent what you need to do but you'll need to figure the timing to control the bots. I apologize for that. My video for the first half gameplay is 5 minutes long and I think it should be ok as basically you're waiting for the slow R/P. Glad to hear that you finished it and it's good for you to figure the easiest way to send B on R as I wasn't seeing this method - like you said - just not in my DNA yet. I figured it must always be pushed slowly. By the way, do you know why B can dismount R at 1:10 in ridgerunner's video? It looks impossible but it works.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - To answer your question ref 1:10 - my guess is... Stairs are a strange thing - tapping sooner than later can have different results. I would classify @ridgerunner's move a trick as it will only work as the lower bot climbs the stairs. Hard to explain but think of it like this, as R approaches the stairs, B is the right height to get off but the off point is too far away. If you tap as R climbs, at some point B is close enough to the get off point and R may not be high enough yet but any longer and it doesn't work. A very precise move.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Super difficult!

      I just enjoyed watching videos by you and @ridgerunner


      I had to watch the video when I stucked on, how to send back R to home place; long Stone Staircase.

      Already exhusted mentally and not going again for this difficult level. You have strong mind buddy!
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