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Hold to Freeze

Low ceiling is used. It has one move that I'm not sure whether is a trick or not. See the first comment.

Hold to Freeze
mastersifu, Sep 30, 2021
    • mastersifu
      You'll need to hold draggable to freeze L.
      When L is about to leave the draggable, hold the draggable so L freezes one step ahead of the draggable.

      EDIT - This move above is basically not needed as I overlooked one simple way.

      The start can be sticky for B. Sometimes B will just float in the air. I have no idea why. So here's my most reliable way for the start - hold, release, hold, release the draggable. Repeat this process until B falls onto L and they move as one.
    • Rating:
      The jammer! Have seen this move as an inconvenience before but can’t remember seeing this move as a positive benefit. Very clever use of this.
    • ridgerunner
      Played this again as it is so good. Got the finishing use of the fence rotatable to work more smoothly this time.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner Thanks for playing, commenting and rating. I was a bit surprised as you said "inconvenience" as I thought this move was actually nice.
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu.. i meant that i have seen this happening by chance during a level and it usually means a restart as the autoslider is no longer able to move. Then it is inconvenient, but in this level it is very nice.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! another great challenge... Very fun to figure it out...as there is no movie I can't check my gameplay so...
      is the ball supposed to be "floating" hooked with the slider to make the path to the star for B on top of L?:sneaky:
      thanks for sharing @mastersifu ;)
    • mastersifu
      @delator77 Yes, you are right. Glad that you finished it the way I intended it to be. By the way, do you know whether this - "You'll need to hold draggable to freeze L.
      When L is about to leave the draggable, hold the draggable so L freezes one step ahead of the draggable." is a trick or not? If so, what is the name of this trick? Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • ridgerunner
      @delator77 ..your spoiler move was same as mine. Here is my video
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner Wow. After watching your video, there are a lot differences to my solution. I didn't use autopilot and the push B down with slider at your start. Your way to stack the bots looks risky to me so my method of stacking was different as well. Good is that the main move was still the same. I'll record a video of mine later.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner @delator77 Here is my solution. I just noticed that I didn't need to send L up to the autoslider as L can mount B at the stair that leads to the last ball there.
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu . Interesting to see all the different moves in your video and i liked the dislodging by the autoslider on its return journey.
    • delator77
    • delator77
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      My way is combined with your video and @ridgerunner 's video. A bit different at 2:11 in your video, B just stand on the lift and pull down a bit, the auto slider will push B down. It's make the lv shorter a bit. Liked the obscure ending.
    • mastersifu
      @Sun Eagle Great alternative there that I also failed to notice. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating!
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