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musing box

musing box
explorer, Nov 22, 2016
    • sawdust
      How do i get down from here? I feel like im supposed to use the tripping on air trick but for some reason I can't get it to work here.
    • explorer
      @sawdust -


      Here's a different question: Is there an alternate path to the square you currently see as your intermediate goal?

      The answer: Yes, not requiring any tricks, and not as short as you are hoping for.

      Incidentally, I'm very glad someone is working through the level. It's a refreshing alternative to people saying that my easy levels are too easy, while not actually working the more challenging ones on offer. Thanks for taking a look at it!
    • sawdust
      @explorer ok cool. I thought there was, but i was hung up on using the trick lol
    • cpw
      @explorer I actually made it to the last platform (the one holding the Win), but then I stopped there......:rolleyes:
      explorer likes this.
    • explorer
      @cpw -
      Wait... you mean you put it on hold, or you got stuck?
    • explorer
    • nGord
      Finished. I don't want to go looking through the spoilers or rate it just yet.
      Was it intended for B to make it to the white floor for part of his path?
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