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Swap Duty

Mini level

Swap Duty
Khudrat, Dec 2, 2016
Anomynous, Skitmo, TR O and 2 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Tricky and puzzling. Took some timing, but finally finished it. Looks like everyone's using the inverted stairs w/ water design trick now :rolleyes:
      meko likes this.
    • nGord
      Hmm, am I missing something?
      I can't seem to get the little R to either walk onto or over the three block slider reaching the win. If I have little R on pillar-head R, then he won't step off onto the slider. So I retracted the slider and then when pillar-head R walked in front of it, I slid it out knocking pillar-head R off the platform and under little R. Here is the resulting image.
      But no matter how much I move the slider, little R won't stop turning on the spot! :(
    • Rating:
      Great level, thanks!
    • chemi
      @nGord, try again because I solved exactly like you and in my case it worked fine.
      ...why R doesn't climb directly on the draggable and we need to push cylinder R? It is at same level, isn't it?
    • Frenzies
      The pillar-bot's turning prevents him from going off.

      Try again. He must've gotten crippled when you used the draggable.
    • chemi
      Pillar-bot is stopped. If he finds the draggable moved, as there is a hole below it, he stops. But R doesn't stop turning around instead of going on the draggable. That is what I didn't understand.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      The title made me believe that Pillarhead should be ontop of R. But no, something else needed to swap roles with Pillarhead. :D
    • Rating:
      Great level. So much going on in its 5x5x3.
      What is the " inverted stairs w/ water design trick "
    • Frenzies
    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy
      Simple design but excellent.. Thanks
    • Rating:
      Excellent puzzle and in so little space! Awesome!
    • Rating:
      Great fun - Thanks! Very enjoyable.
      .. And what an excellent exercise for the delay effect of draggables on bots.
    • Astral_Mage
      Need more time to complete this :oops:

      @Frenzies it shouldn't be called a trick, it is called design ;)
    • Frenzies
      @Astral_Mage I said design trick :rolleyes:. But I guess people may get confused
    • Astral_Mage
      @Frenzies better if you just omit the word "trick" ;)
      Frenzies likes this.
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    Dec 2, 2016
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