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Lang Tao Jin

Riverside 2

Riverside 2
Lang Tao Jin, Dec 20, 2020
MomoKeego, RZK, Sammy 5 and 4 others like this.
    • Lang Tao Jin
      Dont push the higher ball hardly.
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      Very tricky last move with me. We have a racing with P here. Haha. Don't understand
      where low ceiling in your picture hint as I used MAT for my win.
    • Lang Tao Jin
      @Sun Eagle Yes you are right. B must chase P to help him from stucking. But what is MAT?
    • Rating:
      Another very nice designed FUN level...Thanks for sharing @Lang Tao Jin ;)
      Btw,tricks I used...
      autopilot to go down B & for the last step a mixture of SSS+MAT
    • delator77
      @Lang Tao Jin MAT means "Mid Air Tap"... When B is in the " air" tap on a higher block & B goes...look at this...
    • Rating:
      I found this level easier than your previous reverside level.
      I wanted to give five stars for it's logical game play, but was disappointed when realised that a trick is needed in the end.
      Being not familiar with the tricks and how to execute them properly, it was frustrating to see that despite having solved the whole level logically, the end is giving problem.
      Also, you didn't mention tricks in the description or even on the spoiler tag.
      Once I was able to get B on the far corner to push the last ball, I thought (not being aware of the trick) that the ball near the win block had to be pushed aside first, and that I somehow missed that move in the mid game. So I restarted again, only to find that it is impossible, even after making R walk on top of it.
      Then decided to check the spoiler tag, and learnt that there was a trick.
      All in all, nicely done. I had fun going back and forth trying to work out the logic. Thanks for sharing.
    • Lang Tao Jin
      @I_am_Bot I think B is going through an adventure, so I put this card on this label.
      Next time I will put the cards correctly.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      clever set up at the end.
      require SSS trick on ball.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      My B was kept quite busy trying to do a quick auto pilot to the last ball and after this failed a few times he realized he was working hard not smart!
      Relaxing level in the way that there was never any rush on herding the Bots, and the balls all fell nicely into their positions :thumbsup:
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    Lang Tao Jin
    Dec 20, 2020
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