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Denis Nazin


DEMO - between block jump.

Denis Nazin, Aug 10, 2021
    • mastersifu
      Good demo and I think I won't rate this one. The most suitable name for this trick might be the one mentioned by @Pratik Bhalerao . The Paradox card was nice and I see you include diagonal step in it too! And thanks for the explanation.
    • Lang Tao Jin
      @Denis Nazin I don’t know so much, I’m just interested in minority and rare tricks.;);)
    • Denis Nazin
      Thank you my friend! Sure! The rating is absolutely unnecessary - it's just a demo!;).
      I did not understand a little about what name Pratik Bhalerao are you talking about? But I agree:D).
      The "Paradox" card was the very first !!. But I realized that no one would pass it. And that's why I made - 2 preparatory cards "Diagonal steps", and "Between block jump". And now everyone can go through the "Paradox":D.

      But now the map is "diagonal steps" I like it much more:rotf:
    • mastersifu
      @Denis Nazin
      This is what @Pratik Bhalerao said. Not really the name but I prefer this much.
      1. Tap
      2. Cancel Tap
      3. Squat Drop Tap
      I think it's short, simple and precise about this trick.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Lang Tao Jin My friend! I have posted a new level and some demo maps. I really hope that I can surprise you :eek:! But I'm not sure about that :rotf:. You know a lot about mekorama ;) :thumbsup:
    • Mr Lemon
      Прикольный лëгкий уровень, но здесь мало что можно оценить. Спасибо что поделились:)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Mr Lemon
      Всё верно)). Потому что это не уровень - это демо!. Мини уровень - это прилагаемая карта "Парадокс". Но уровень "Парадокс" не все смогут пройти. По этому я решил что будет значительно важнее чтобы все могли попробовать и научиться на демо. По этому выставил её а не уровень)).
    • EL797
      I never succeed in doing this trick. Sorry :(
    • delator77
      Nice demo of an annoying trick :p... спасибо @Denis Nazin :)
    • Denis Nazin
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