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Jose Luis Galiano

Crazy City

A fun level, with intuitive tricks and a surprising ending !!

Crazy City
Jose Luis Galiano, Jul 27, 2021
meko, Jóh, hadi and 7 others like this.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      A fun level, with intuitive tricks and a surprising ending !! If you have trouble solving it, watch the explanatory video in the Caption tab.
    • Rating:
      A level that serves as an example of what Meko-fun means ... Nice city design and very fun tricky gameplay... Thanks for sharing @Jose Luis Galiano ;)
    • Rating:
      I enjoy it.
      but the door is still stuck, so I have to tap through the hole on the red brick
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      Hard but enjoyable. I had the same problem with @Labyrenight, but I won, although I haven't managed to get one star (the one near the

      Besides that, I enjoyed playing. Nice fun level @Jose Luis Galiano
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      Nice level, with fun tricks, hope this is the start of a series,:thumbsup:
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Labyrenight In our previous conversation I did not understand the problem you had with the level, until I saw the comment of @cimarronline, then I solved it and raised the level to the forum again. Sorry about the problem with the door. Normally it works fine, but it is a complicated mechanism that sometimes fails. I hope, however, that the journey here has been fun. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Blue Tower Sorry about the problem with the door :cry:. Normally it works fine, but it is a complicated mechanism that sometimes fails. I hope, however, that the journey here has been fun. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @shaun Roberts I find it difficult to build puzzles of the current level of the players, but I promise you will see at least one more. Thanks for playing.
    • MekaSage
      @Jose Luis Galiano - I can't figure out the first move. How do you get B out of the crevice? Or is there something else I need to do first?
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      Next to B is a hidden draggable
    • shaun Roberts
      @Jose Luis Galiano,hey Jose, these levels I think are the best type of levels, cos they look great, when I see these levels and see a big castle or city, or mountains, etc, these are the fun levels, cos you can explore, you've got use your brain and work things out. This is what the game is about, there are hidden things, loads of tricks, I liked every trick, you done for this level, & if I can't do a level like these, I look forward to go back & retrying again& again if necessary. & I think these bigger level were you have alot to do, make the game, this game is not limited, there are over 17000 levels & still being made every day, this game needs the level greaters, like your self, & the current creator's, it would be great if ,star penguin,@meko @blockbuilder, richardfu, etc their or more but can't think, these guys have made some good levels, I look forward to your next, big level & thanks for sharing, great level @Jose Luis Galiano , keep em coming :thumbsup:;)
    • MekaSage
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @shaun Roberts Thank you very much, friend, for your kind comment. It motivates me to keep creating levels, as you can imagine the time it took to build it (at least a couple of months). You have cited historical Mekorama creators, authentic legends who have built true masterpiece, who have discovered exploits and mechanisms, which I have admired and to which I cannot compare myself, but thank you for naming me next to them. I don't think I build many levels anymore, but at least one more I have in the oven. see you soon.
    • shaun Roberts
      @Jose Luis Galiano, Thank you, my friend, I appreciate the time & effort it takes to make these levels, you are one of the originals, you have been here since 2016, I joined this game to late, I know this game does take up alot of your time, specially these creator's yous must be busy with this game every day , see you soon @Jose Luis Galiano :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Hatercraft
      Is a crasy level. Too many tricks.
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  • Category:
    Playable Bug/Exploit Levels
    Uploaded By:
    Jose Luis Galiano
    Jul 27, 2021
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