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Jose Luis Galiano

Crazy City

A fun level, with intuitive tricks and a surprising ending !!

Crazy City
Jose Luis Galiano, Jul 27, 2021
meko, Jóh, hadi and 7 others like this.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
    • Rating:
      Wonderful level. Very well built. Beautiful design. I had some difficulty getting to victory and had to restart a few times. But the ball from the helicopter still hasn't caught.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Jóh Yes, the helicopter star is difficult to hunt, but not impossible. Thanks for playing and rating.
      Jóh likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Thank you very much for a very interesting level! This is definitely a difficult level. On complex intellectual levels, I do not like - the hidden slider and Zappers. I, too, could not start for a long time because of the hidden slider and because of the zappers I had to restart it several times.
      But the level is very COOL :thumbsup:!! Varied tricks gameplay. Very beautiful city. Difficult storyline. Nice mechanism (everything worked well for me!). An unexpected ending.
      After the victory, I watched your video. I realized that my gameplay is slightly different:
      I have not used "clone B". I got to the ball that unlocks the victory block with the boogie bot. I took a star over a hole in a brick using autopilot. And I did the push of the Hercules from a long run - it turns out much better. The first door to the brick room opened when I pushed the ball for R. Otherwise, the gameplay is like yours)) but a slightly different sequence of actions.
      Thanks for this VERY interesting level. ;):thumbsup:
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Denis Nazin Thank you very much for playing and for your interesting comments. These are very valuable to me. What a piti you didn't use the B clone, because it is the main reason for the level. I would like to understand how you got to the ball that unlocks the win with the boogie bot, how you hunted the star using the autopilot and how the door to the brick room was opened by pushing the ball over R. You would be so kind as to make a demo video, please?
    • Denis Nazin
      @Jose Luis Galiano
      Hello. Sorry, I've been busy all day. I have read your request. But you have a very difficult level. Record a video walkthrough - DIFFICULT !. But I did it for you. I spent a lot of time)).
      I wrote down the things that interest you. But I missed and did not take the star from the helicopter. I am disappointed. Therefore, I went to victory in a short way. And by the way, this is another shortcut)).
      But I won the FIRST time as it should be !!! I stood on the ball and fell into the tunnel. I didn't do that in the video. Sorry - I was upset that I did not take the helicopter to the star.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      Hi @Denis, Many, many, many thanks, my friend. I am aware of the enormous effort that you have made to make the video. I know this because I have had to perform the puzzle a thousand times during its construction. I have been amazed to see the alternative routes you have taken and the exploits you have used. Amazing!. Note that before uploading the card to the forum, it was tested by several players to ensure there were no shortcuts and you have found a few. What I don't like is that you didn't use the B clone because it was the leitmotif of the level. Please don't be upset that you haven't caught the star next to the helicopter. It's really hard and I didn't eat it half the time I tried it. The important thing was to know how you had passed the level and that you have fulfilled. Thanks again, your video gives me a lot of valuable information. I owe you a favor. Greetings.
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Denis Nazin
      Dear Denis, after watching your video and reading your comments, I have been reflecting on the degree of difficulty of my levels, because I, like you, want them to be accessible to most players and have fun playing. I do not intend to torture them, as you say ... :sneaky:
      That said and if you see my video with the correct solution of "Crazy City", I honestly do not believe that it is very, very difficult. It has a logical path, intuitive movements, and some tricks well known to forum regulars. It has hidden draggables, zappers and exploits, but some complication has to have the level, right? The first draggable is discovered right away, because if not ... how can you get B out of the gap? The zappers, having a little patience and keeping the distances, are easily overcome and don't tell me that the autopilot at the bottom of the helicopter building is not a work of art ...
      I repeat that I really appreciate your effort to make the video because I am interested in knowing how other players solve my levels. Spasibo.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Jose Luis Galiano
      My dear friend! I really appreciate and respect you !!
      The level is really hard. BUT!! The levels must be different! With tricks and no tricks, hard and simple, fun and very intelligent. Do as you like! And as your soul and heart tells you! I wrote that the level is very difficult to justify - why I haven't sent you a video for a long time. This is by no means a reproach! Your level is COOL and logical. And the fact that I don't really like the hidden slider and Zapper is just my opinion. Pay no attention to him. There are many players who love it). I also love them sometimes - but on simple levels.
      In general, I wanted to say - that you are a very cool level artist !!! Do as you like! And don't pay attention to anyone! We LOVE your levels!;)
    • Jose Luis Galiano
      @Denis Nazin
      I have sent you a gift by email.
    • Rating:
      The view of the city is Amazing! :eek:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      A Most Excellent Adventure!!!
      All of a sudden it seems B is walking oddly and I realize it's an imposter :p
      Thanks for the VS, needed it to figure out B had to do the roof before disappearing :rolleyes:
      Awesome level...thanks :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      That chopper is both cute and annoying. The level is a lot of fun. Didn't take me too much time to find the start, it sort of follows. Zappers were quite easy, hercules' (twice) intuitive, pillar slide was very 'Abu Simbel'. I too first got the star in the brick room by autopilot, but later realized that was overcomplicating stuff. Reaching the brick room I did by the ball that gets P in place, never realized the other way until I saw the video. B got stuck once laying horizontally in the hole where he is supposed to drop to release ghost-B. Quite a few restarts, but this was fun.
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  • Category:
    Playable Bug/Exploit Levels
    Uploaded By:
    Jose Luis Galiano
    Jul 27, 2021
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