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Sem 1

Semester 1 is starting soon... I'll be having less time on the forum....

Sem 1
mastersifu, Jul 14, 2021
    • mastersifu
      @AndrasB Wow, seems like you're getting more than five likes already, so your able to rate levels. Thanks for your rating and support on my levels. I truly appreciate it.
    • AndrasB
      @mastersifu Actually I've played Star Penguin's entire repertoire, but those were levels from 2017-2018 and she or he doesn't seem to be active anymore, so I found it pointless to comment much. I'm glad I've found your levels which are mostly suitably challenging to me and you're still active ;)
    • mastersifu
      @AndrasB Thanks. Star Penguin was one of my idol in Mekorama and he's the reason I liked the logic style.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Finally won one but not without troubles. The ball at 2:25 didn't fall on R's 2nd turn like your video but well over 5 turns on my 1st attempt - stairs or a slider would have forced R to drop it better. Due to restarts, I needed to do this move many times and the ball never fell fast. The next issue was the long mechanism hidden underneath had no stop so my first push was a restart as the balls and mechanism came out. At the end, I didn't plan the ending too well and the slider was in the wrong place for B's return. Restarts at the end are never fun. Figured out what to do and on the R squeeze, R was almost launched off the level (something was sticking). Made a win. Thanks for sharing.
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