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Re-upload of an incomplete level. Don't drop the ball and be careful where you go. Hope you like it!

Chuckthulhu, Nov 26, 2016
Jehkoba and chemi like this.
    • Chuckthulhu
    • nGord
      Before I rate, may you please answer:
      Is it intended that the ball should roll that far out? I got the ball through the whole maze only to be skunked by the ball rolling past the well. So obviously I had to find another way, which I did.
    • Chuckthulhu
      If you hit it just right against the wall it falls right in place, but you're right that it can fall outside the well, what's the other way you found?
    • nGord
      Nope, just tried twice more with getting the ball above the well (well one space back from the centre) and it rolls consistently to the rim or past the rim of the opposite wall of the well.

      For me to solve the level I must let the ball fall from two spaces back from the well. Since the cross-slider at that point is meant to push the ball in the final position, I have to use it instead to bump the ball in the other direction (away from the well against the stone block in the way) and thereby imbue it with a bit of rotational force. With this slight momentum, the ball again has enough to fall the 2.5 spaces now onto the closer wall edge and then down to the win block.

      I repeated both at least twice with consistent results.
    • nGord
      P.S. Have you tried designing the level using a free-motor instead of a ball?
    • Rating:
      Nice logic level, thanks!
      I really liked it has death finishes for bad decissions and little bit of ability to control the ball.
      I carry the ball to the center... I understand is the designed way, right?
    • Chuckthulhu
      @nGord I didn't, but I'm not sure it's possible with this design, at least not with the maze.
    • Rating:
      A nice, tricky little level with a good degree of dexterity required.
    • Chuckthulhu
      @Jehkoba Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you liked it.
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