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Catch Me If You Can II

Catch Me If You Can II
cpw, Nov 20, 2016
Skitmo, delator77 and chemi like this.
    • Rating:
      Okay this awesome level took me more than 1 hour to complete. I like this level specially the mechanism just before the win, lol, I had to restart because I didn't see it. Here it's mandatory to have patience and skill. I feel satisfied. And looking forward the last part. Everything in this puzzle engage. Every single block is not casual. @cpw the mechanisms are impressive. Logic and sometimes desperate. Congratulations I'm having a gooooood time! :thumbsup::eek:
      cpw likes this.
    • Manoli
      I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't make the first move.
      I think you have to walk on the stairs so B will get claustrophobic and walks left on the stone. Just right before he does I tap on the gras next to the stairs what makes B falling down. But he doesn't fall on the metalblock but the whole way down to the ground.
      Is there another way to do this first step or am I doing it wrong? Pls help.
    • cpw
      @Manoli Not that way. :rolleyes:
      Just let him stop at the stone block. Notice there's a small pillar on the lower level which can be pushed inside with a trick. Also pay attention to how the moved pillar would change the subsequent path of the incoming zapper bots.

      Let me know if you need more hints. ;)
      Manoli likes this.
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      @cpw Thank you for the hint, I made it now. Nice level and very tricky, I like it:thumbsup:
      cpw likes this.
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