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I Hate L-Bots

And stars.

I Hate L-Bots
cimarronline, May 14, 2021
Blue Tower, Adiorama, BLR and 4 others like this.
    • Oily Jake
      Too difficult to win but hilarious fun. Almost got home but I wasn't fast enough to kill Z without committing suicide.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Really neat level where B gets to use his superpower. Took many attempts to get all the Bots in the hole and then a number of more tries to Zap the Lefty without B dying.
      Fun level :p
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      My friend! I have finally reached your level. I used to be very bad at agility levels and bad at speed B:unsure:. Now I can pass your level and evaluate it:sneaky:.
      Cool level! Cool and original idea! 5 from me!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
      I wonder where you hid the win block with a star :rotf:;)
    • Rating:
      Funny level! I like killing bots - it's cruel but fun:) thanks for your level, it's give me an idea:thumbsup:. I managed to finish it in my sixth try:rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      Cool idea to make a win block without a star! It looks very unusual.:thumbsup:
      The only place where you can hide win with a star is under stone columns. Checked in mekostudio - it is;)
    • cimarronline
      @Denis Nazin The win didn't used to have a star, before the updates. I like it better the old way.
    • Rating:
      C:cool::cool:L level, tough for me but I managed to win:D I also want to kill R but unfortunately you hate L bots:p THANKS FOR SHARING ;):thumbsup:
    • EL797
      The most luck-dependent level I've ever seen o_O
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