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Low Crawling

Do bots crawl?Yes,but slowly. Have fun collecting the stars. Enjoy! (No tricks needed)

Low Crawling
mastersifu, May 8, 2021
Torobot1 likes this.
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      What a finish for the winblock star, didn’t think R would ever get there. My gameplay was shambolic, maybe it was meant to be but i suspect that my stack of headless bots wasn’t designed . Will investigate further when i have more time.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner Thanks! The headless L is actually for B to step onto it in order to push the top ball.
    • mastersifu
    • ridgerunner
      @mastersifu .. interesting to see the video. The first two minutes of herding were frustrating as often had to restart and this put me off spending time on the level, especially as the rotatable seemed to move by itself early on and the cylinder part of it prevented bots coming up from the bottom level. I sent R up rather than B for my win which explains the strange moves I witnessed.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner Sorry for the frustrating part. Also, the rotatable is not balance on both sides so it might move by itself.
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