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Pratik Bhalerao

Route By Route

Can you get full stars stamp on this card?

Route By Route
Pratik Bhalerao, Mar 12, 2021
    • Valentin
      @Meko Guy Neither do I ! But when it is induced with cleverness ... :)
    • Meko Guy
      @Valentin - The zapper corner didn't really fit with the level aside from the precision / timing. The timing to get that star doesn't look too hard but I didn't try as it had no value. The first and last portion was a timed ball drop with some B running in between. I would have preferred to see some other clever method in line with dodging the mechs but it's not my level.
    • Rating:
      That was really fun, I enjoyed it. It really fits into the Precision/Timing category. And I gotta say, those two fast moving walls are scary as heck. :eek:

      Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      I like your title and game .
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      @Logo Thanks you.

      @Saumya yeah, I have given 2 routes side by side as a choice. That's why, Route By Route.
      Logo and Saumya like this.
    • Rating:
      Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      The fact that as the gameplay core, it is pretty simple. B nudge balls to create a path for R. But the things you've done for, are quite fascinating. Those moving walls are kinda satisfying to watch and getting a star by dodging 2 Zs is quite challenging. Simple but fun :thumbsup:
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus

      Yeah. Previously I thought to make just one route and no Zapper dodging.
      But what if some players would have failed to by pass it?
      So I added a simple route of zapper obstacle. Hence named, Route By Route.
    • Rating:
      This speed made me dizzy. Extreme level, where you need to choose the right time for action.
    • Pratik Bhalerao


      Not only the right timing but also the right Ball.
      Helena likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      That was totally fun and unique!!!
      Got full stars .... it's kind of a mesmerizing motion level !:thumbsup:
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