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Ray Aznable

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
Ray Aznable, Jan 28, 2021
EL797, Sammy 5, Adiorama and 11 others like this.
    • Ray Aznable
    • Rating:
      Difficult levels are easy to make, logical levels are easy to make, but interesting ones are difficult. The final death was very touching, with full marks~
    • Ray Aznable
      sorry for late reply,
      i didnt notice a notification
      that mentioning you gave comment in here.
      its such an honor my level was caught
      by your attention.
      the gameplay's logic very shallow & straighforward,
      im just tensing about unique features,
      which also not original, jst borrowing from you,
      and some others.

      but again, thanks.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Such a beautiful design to go along with the romantic yet tragic story of this couple. Enjoyed figuring out the ball order to open the pathways and the beginning part did definitely take some finesse and getting used to. It was the ending that was difficult for me as often times I hit B a little too hard and he did not stick:p. Was fun playing it over again a few times to get the ending right. Marvelous level:thumbsup:
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    I N S P I R E D
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    Ray Aznable
    Jan 28, 2021
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