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Monorail Escape v2

It's 3am. Sneak into the transport station and escape the city. V2 eliminates the unintended ball shortcut solution.

Monorail Escape v2
retrograde, Jun 5, 2016
chemi, Mike_CN, meko and 3 others like this.
    • Sunny Sunset
      There are only a couple of spots where the game will let you get on the ball. The middle of the diagonal section before it turns, and the row after it turns. You cannot actually get onto it when it is moving, or you will fall or it will fall... Because of the delay between tapping and stepping onto it. If you wait for it to hit the goalpost, so to speak, and try to get on it there, the ball will fall into the water.

      So, viewing angle matters in these games when starting a motion?
      And moving the viewing platform affects things in motion as well?

    • retrograde
      The bot needs to get on the ball before the ball is moved by the slider. ;)
    • Sunny Sunset
      I know! I saw that solution in the beginning, but I can't get there... So have been trying other ideas and failing Lol
    • Sunny Sunset
      If the movement is as fine as one pixel… That's too precise for this old device. Standing right at that location, still gives a red X on the ball. I can't step on the ball from that location, even if I can get it to slowly move a little further out, even though it allows me to step on it at 2 other locations on same plane...if the ball is in precisely the right position when I tap… But then by the time I stepped off... the ball is gone.

      I have to give up on this one… But thanks for your help
    • retrograde
      @Sunny Sunset It's hardly a precise 1 pixel movement, I just said that to imply a very, very small nudge.

      It sounds like you didn't get the bot to the top of slider?
    • Sunny Sunset
      Nope… I even tried that now-common boogie bot bug exploit, and he wouldnt do it.
    • retrograde
      The slider can move in 2 directions.
    • Rating:
      Helvecio Guasti Junior
      Very unusual and very ingenious! Hidden objects, puzzle apparently impossible and precision moviments! Thanks @retrograde!
    • Sunny Sunset
      OK… I'm a dummy… I found the hidden item… And boy, is it will hidden!
      Even though I thought I had searched every inch of that tiny little creation, I accidentally hit it while doing something else. I thought people were talking about the one you need to get started, which isn't hidden all.

      However, even though I have found it, and have tried to follow your instructions, absolutely nothing happens when the hidden one is moved. No matter where the bottom is standing, no matter where the ball is, no matter where the other sliding thing is to put that nothing happens .

      I don't know if it supposed to move farther than it does, and it doesn't seem to affect anything at all anywhere

      It's almost like it's simply a useless decoration… So again, I'm going to have to blame my iPad 3 for something not working like it probably does for everybody else.
    • Rating:
      Sunny Sunset
      Even though I have the answer, and I can almost get to the end. I am unable to move the blocks with the smoothness necessary for the correct speed. This is one heck of an interesting, and intriguing level on "many levels"… A lot of complexity packed in a small footprint. Kudos! ( especially for keeping me interested enough to keep going when I seriously wanted to give up! )
    • Helvecio Guasti Junior
      @Sunny Sunset, I only beaten this level because the S-pen from Galaxy Note 5. The pen give me a lot of precision in the movements.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @Helvecio Guasti Junior ok, for the record...I am NOT going to upgrade my iPad to the latest mobile device with pen technology....just for a game...

      Not, not, not, not, not, not, not, not, not, not....yet.
    • Helvecio Guasti Junior
      @Sunny Sunset, I use the pen to work , take notes , etc. The use of the stylus in this game was a surprise for me. Many games are not compatible with the S-pen.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @Helvecio Guasti Junior Ah, we have now come full circle in the digital world…

      When electronics have replaced graphite and ink... to do the same thing that a feather used to do for Da Vinci...it's time pack up and move on...

      "Beam me up, Scotty! There's no intelligent life on this planet"
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    retrograde's levels
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    Jun 5, 2016
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    bbotonly precision ball walking

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