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Ali helal


I learned from many persons here and inspired by many designs, so i created this livel and i hope you can enjoy it.

Ali helal, Jan 10, 2021
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Nice level - I first wondered if tricks were required but it appears that you used tricks but I didn't need any. A better looking level than your last and no hidden zappers so thanks for sharing.

      EDIT - The manhole may have been a trick for B to get down
    • Meko Guy
      @Ali helal - You do have a huge shortcut - check out the video - no tricks - just a quick tap

      You can fix that shortcut and repost...
    • Rating:
      WOW:eek: You improved a lot on your second level... Better design,better gameplay...Well done! Thanks for sharing & waiting for your next challenge @Ali helal ;)
    • Rating:
      B's fall was a surprise, and I liked the ending.
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      Tricky but fun!

      I liked everything here, the design, the logic!
      Who are the members you took inspirations to make this level? Thanks for sharing @Ali helal! :):eek::thumbsup::D
    • Ali helal
      @Meko Guy
      Thank you for playing my humble level.I don't know how this shortcut appeared. I did not mean it to exist. Just a quick tap oh my god.sorry for that.
    • Ali helal
    • Ali helal
      @Helena thank for playing my humble level.
      Helena likes this.
    • Ali helal
      @Blue Tower thank for playing my humble level, you are one of those members, You can see a list of people I follow on my page.
    • Rating:
      Oily Jake
      Uber cool fun level, and only your second design! The jump is a move I haven’t seen before. But why do R’s legs disappear?!
    • Ali helal
      @Oily Jake
      Thank you for playing my humble level, the truth is this is my third level, but i deleted the second level because I put it in the wrong category, the jump isn't from my creativity, I learned it from one of the designs, I play a lot of levels in order to learn more. Even if I did not succeed in solving the level.
    • Rating:
      Fun and interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      Very fun lv. Keep trying and become a better author.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      I forgot to rate.
      5 stars for you,
      as a reward cuz you suddenly
      did a great change compared with
      your first upload.

      you are new, but you teach me new stuffs,
      such as:
      1. hollow slider + stair to make B fall.
      2. final move R bot push itself to hole.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      How did I missed this level!

      This is fun!.
      It has huge shortcut.
      But intended way is awesome.

      As a second level, this is masterpiece of yours.
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