No tricks needed, but you need Spoiler: Hint familiarity with how B walks (or not) on moving sliders.
Having played a similar level of yours before, I thought it would be easy. But was stumped for some time on the order of the balls. Liked that change. Thanks for sharing.
That kept me out of mischief for a while, ! Not looking ahead, I kept running all over the place then spotting something I should have done earlier!!
Didn't work for me - despite being slow and gentle, a couple of the balls rolled off the level instead of landing properly; the one nearest the win is the main culprit.
@D.S.Masters Using the old meko version? The rounded corner blocks behave differently in the new version. In the old version, the rounded corner is just an illusion (hence the ball rolls right over), but it's really rounded in the new version.
@Don G Rowe Yeah, I'm still on 1.2.7, and will remain so until they quit screwing around with the updates and fix the bugs.
@cimarronline Which is interesting, because that rounded stone block is, as far as I know, actually part of the original version, just not available except through Mekostudio.
A nice early morning puzzle . Poor B got jammed up in the sliding bridge but he slid down and managed a brave escape to the finish, just in time for breakfast.
Finally upgraded to 1.3, but that's as far as I'm going. Had to restart to get the proper ball order (a little more observation would have helped), but B stomped all over the win. I will note, though, that the first of the two balls for the win stairs is still touchy - most of the time it fell where it should, but if you Bullwinkle it, it will roll off the level.