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Angled Stacks

Stack the motors to create a path.

Angled Stacks
P_simorf, Dec 16, 2020
MomoKeego, Helena, Sammy 5 and 4 others like this.
    • P_simorf
      • Claustrophobia/Low Ceiling
      • SSS

      If B is standing on a sloped path, he/she cannot return back.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
    • Rating:
      Really great idea ! It would have been perfect if some path were easier to cross, but I guess it was not easy to make, given the different heights of the beams.
    • Rating:
      Brilliant original level.
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - I wasn't able to drop the high ball so checked the video and you too had troubles. It shouldn't take 7 attempts to drop a ball - the level had potential but needed some work.
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy

      My apologies. There's actually a fast way of bumping the high ball. I've figured it out after I posted the video solution. Bring B to the stairs or to the blocks at the highest tier. Press the draggable afterwards. B will kinda move in a hurry and bump the ball swiftly sideways. @Master Author calls it "body bump".
    • Rating:
      Cool, unique design. It must have taken a long time to figure out how to make the paths at each angle.
    • Rating:
      Clever & original...uuhhmm,but as I didn't use one of your tricks...
      maybe my way was more complex...but I did it:sneaky: Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;)
    • Rating:
      Star Penguin
      Very nice, the thought it took to plan out the combinations of levers to unlock each step showed in the clever and unique gameplay. Personally I think the top ball could have been designed differently so that was easier to push, perhaps putting it on a rail rather than a pillar would have lowered it enough to be within easier reach? Also I too did not need the second trick. But overall I enjoyed it, and it gets 5 stars from me.
    • P_simorf
      @Star Penguin

      Wow thanks for P, C, and R!

      I actually had that rail underneath in mind yet the ball will end up 1/2 block lower and the side rails that supposedly will keep the ball from falling in unwanted directions might not touch the ball.

      I'm not really sure how you and @delator77 were able not to use the 2nd trick a.k.a. SSS. I guess some autopilot or some throwing was used. When I discovered that I can do SSS in this level and it will lead me safely back to the draggable, I just thought right away that it's my intended solution. Maybe it's quite harder I guess to come up with the stack that will allow the player to perform SSS.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      So many different combinations, took me a while to figure out which worked. It was kind of like trying to pick up a grain of rice with a chopstick for me. LOL. We finally got through it and had no problem hitting the high ball just had to wiggle the pogo stick a little bit. Fun and exciting level :cool::p
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