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Meko Guy

A Day's Work

B will need to do a Good Days Work to achieve a win – have fun. Tricks are required

A Day's Work
Meko Guy, Nov 30, 2020
    • Meko Guy
      - auto pilot (tap and move slider to redirect B)
      - hercules push (use auto pilot to redirect B to push a mechanism)
      - low ceiling (B acts strangely with a low ceiling and may travel over blocks that B can't normally do)
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      thanks for consistently
      make level daily...
      help kill my boredom...
    • Rating:
      Satisfying gameplay to work out. My win was very similar but because i let the budgeable fall later , i needed an extra SSS. Liked the not too obvious lower claustrophobia.
    • Ray Aznable
      how did u able to do sss?
      the top stair is double deckered...
    • ridgerunner
      @Ray Aznable ..took place different spot. Without a fallen budgeable, R is able to walk towards it and isolated so used the move to get B in behind R .
    • Rating:
      Alternative Title: Intu Itive 3 :rotf::rotf::rotf:

      Me: i think i got stuck.
      *Refers to the video solution*
      Whew! I actually did the right thing.

      This level brings just the right combination of chill and stress. :thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
      That would be tomorrow's level.

      The video is there as a tool, using it and gaining some insight can't be a bad thing. Thanks for P, C and R.
    • Rating:
      I had to reference the video as well, for the AP to the top section, but otherwise, just a lot of herding. That top ball is a pain to hit, but I'm guessing the reason you did it that way
      was so that B would AP on those steps when the slider goes over, but he wouldn't be able to get to that ball by doing the reverse.
      I've had a few folks ask if you were coming over to Discord...
    • Meko Guy
      @D.S.Masters - First thanks for P, C and R. Yes - the top ball was a tight area and I needed the stairs so I could invoke low ceiling so B could only get the ball after the R auto pilot. So yes - only do it one way and not reverse. So you did very good as I know you don't like herding much and there were many auto pilots that you got as well. I'm happy you played.

      As for Discord, I did join shortly after you provided the link. Thanks BTW. Overall, I'm not really seeing the benefit to it. A lot of chatting but not much of interest so far to me. I check in every three days or so. Before joining, I had to create a sign in membership etc and since I didn't know what I was going to see, I signed in under a non 'Meko Guy' name.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      A challenging level per day...That's great my friend:rolleyes:...Thanks for sharing @Meko Guy ;)
    • D.S.Masters
      @Meko Guy I'm not a big fan of herding, no, but in this case it was fairly obvious where you needed R to go, so I worked backwards from there. AP usually aren't difficult for me, but I just wasn't seeing that one until I checked the vid.

      re: Discord - not a problem. You'll have to contact Martin directly to get an invite to the Beta_testers channel of the Mekorama section, and you can also chat with him directly about the fuzzy tapping and whatever else.
    • Meko Guy
      @D.S.Masters - Okay - I'll do that. I was wondering where the Beta channel was???? I left a message today on the forum so that should help you figure out my name.

      Tomorrow's level doesn't have much herding but tricks are on again. You shouldn't have a problem as I believe you did a demo some time ago ref low ceiling and the title is a big hint.
    • D.S.Masters
      @Meko Guy Yeah, the beta channel is hidden until Martin lets you in.
      I don't have trouble with most tricks - the main ones are SSS, which takes me 20 tries to get, and I can't do a motor toss to save my life.
    • Meko Guy
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Nov 30, 2020
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