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High Voltage

A dangerous puzzle

High Voltage
meko, Oct 21, 2016
Playtime and chemi like this.
    • Frenzies
      Agh! You can get Zapped even if you're at a safe distance because you sway a little when you move the Draggables. Very annoying :( I was so close to finishing it.
    • nGord
      Me too, five times now, zapped by the exact same zapper no matter how gently I pull the blocks. :(
    • Rating:
      Got it. Nineth attempt. The first time I was thinking that okay, awesome, what a great puzzle; I see exactly what meko did here! I can't wait to rave about the design... Hmm, I'm going to go put some ice packs on B now...
    • Regina Mensulong
      @nGord I think B needed more than ice packs.. :D
      nGord likes this.
    • meko
      Mmh yes,I really don't know how to fix it...
    • TR O
      @meko Wow! This one is not easy to design. The intended way is to not get zap to reach the win, right?
    • meko
      the difficult part is to avoid the zaps
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I found it easy to get to the other side, that is, to be on a block adjacent to the win. I did sacrifice B to get to the win as I saw no block that allowed movement from that block position to the win. Hmmm. o_O
    • nGord
      There is only one block that allows B to stand on an edge that could match up with the win block. ;);)
      The one block you want to find also can be identified with a curved horizontal rail.
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great level. Thanks! And congrats to be featured at official Mekorama FB page.

      BTW, I finished it sacrifying B... :rolleyes:
      meko likes this.
    • meko
      If you finish the level sacrifying B you complete only the 50% of the puzzle;)
    • chemi
      Ok, ok... I will try it again. :oops:
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Just tried it again, got it now. It's actually not very difficult. I didn't encounter any problem like got zap by coincidence. Just only in the middle of the game of my very first attempt, B got "buzzz" and die while I literately did nothing. Well, I think if you play it right, the zappers won't do anything funny. Nice level.
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fun concept despite a little unstable. If you see it in a more positive way though, it would be a dual puzzle where you must get to the goal without being zapped, both while B is not moving and while he is dragged. The chances you may get inadvertently zapped could be significantly lowered if you only step onto the block @nGord mentioned at the very last move (instead of staying on that block all the way while you try to shift it towards the Win).
    • cpw
      I gave it another try and I can confirm that it is completely safe if you only step onto the target draggable at the very last move (though it will increase the move count significantly).
      The key here is to avoid (as much as possible) dragging that block towards the goal while B is on it -- since the inertia of B would easily cause him to get killed by the zapper 2 grids behind it. If you drag it perpendicularly he wouldn't get accidentally zapped (unless by another zapper on a nearby draggable -- which you have to be really careful with).

      I have not tried to solve it by a perpendicular last move, but I believe it is possible if you could find out a way to step onto that block from the right side (instead of the front side).
      meko likes this.
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