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Ray Aznable

Short but Weird

not adding bluewater this time. it's now turn for redbrick.

Short but Weird
Ray Aznable, Sep 10, 2020
Adiorama, MomoKeego, Helena and 5 others like this.
    • Ray Aznable
      بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

      this is a repost
      because @Fendi Rahardian
      found the last part in previous version
      is a failure...

      anyway, there is...
      Azza and Anomynous like this.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Anomynous , I added your piece of card
      inside Guide spoiler window...

      also, I put your name, @Volt
      inside claustrophobia + autopilot spoiler,
      @Lang Tao Jin for Boggie Bot Bug,
      @Iskandar for the autopilot + drag
      Volt likes this.
    • Ray Aznable
      thanks for your set up, @Volt
    • Rating:
      Usually I don't play levels that require tricks that I am unfamiliar with, but since you explained everything with pictures in 1st comment, I decided to give it a try.
      Genius combination of cool tricks. Love the symmetrical design. Thanks for sharing @Ray Aznable :D
    • Ray Aznable
      alhamdulillah you like it @Azza ,
      really appreciate that
      you think my pictures are helpful.
      since im not that good in english to explain tricks,
      so I use pictures instead, plus r8 now
      I dont have enough internet data quota
      to make video solution...
    • Rating:
      Steven Maki
      Woww ... Amazing.
      Moreover, The instructions are very complete ...

      for beginners you can immediately play this level ..
    • Ray Aznable
      thanks alot, Bapak @Steven Maki
      I'm still addicted with your level
      to be honest,
      I didnt like SBS... because of your level,
      i'm turn to like SBS then add it to my level.
    • P_simorf
      Ray aznabster is the queen of inventing designs.

      @Don G Rowe is the king of inventing designs.
    • Rating:
      Great finish that lived up to expectations. For once I recognised the recently discussed move although it did not work as smoothly as the original. The rest of the moves all worked first time.
    • P_simorf
      I want to see a video solution of this with matching texts for the procedure HAHAHAHA
    • Ray Aznable
      maybe because, the footing for B before
      reach claustro-jump area was P's head
      which is not statically quite, abit shaking.
      the last move was suprising wasnt it? hehe
      B squeezed his body to floating sphere.
      the height seem not possible for B to reach,
      but he could. but, only avaible for SSS not SBS.

      anyway, thanks alot for 5 stars from u,
      always glad to see your present.
    • Ray Aznable
      deem u :cry:
      send me philipine peso to my paypal,
      to buy internet data...
      Nope, i am not,
      @Jom, @Helena & @Nebula Violeta
      are alot better than me...
      but i did copy paste design from @Don G Rowe
      dont forget about @D.S.Masters , he is maestro.

      also @Lang Tao Jin always come up
      with cool castle ideas.
    • Rating:
      Sometime TOA looks good :D
    • Ray Aznable
      I didnt add ToA in tricklist,
      you should have done
      autopilot + claustro, to trigger Middle Air Tap.
      but if ToA worked for you, its fine.
      as long time ago, I also used ToA alot
      to shortcuting many of your level hehe.
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    Ray Aznable
    Sep 10, 2020
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