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Anuna Bes?!?!

Bes - Filipino slang for "bestfriend" This level is easier than "fromis9".

Anuna Bes?!?!
P_simorf, May 15, 2020
    • Rating:
      Nice easy one, :thumbsup::D. It is quite busy with red bots, and really they just get in the way rather than contributing to the gameplay. I would give it a 3.5, but for a new member I will round it up to 4,:thumbsup:!

      Btw, you uploaded quite a few levels at once yesterday. We are encouraged to just do one or two at a time. This leaves space on the first page for others, and you will also get better feedback and comments for your levels, ;):thumbsup::D.
    • P_simorf
      I was told via message not to flood anymore. With that, I'll not post a level tomorrow but I'll definitely post a new level the following week.

      Thank you for your feedbacks.
      delator77 and Jom like this.
    • Rating:
      Relaxing logic level...like the design too...Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;)
    • Rating:
      Nicely done.
      The R bots were so annoying, which was the point because part of the "puzzle" was getting them out of the way. Midway near the finish, one of the bots got stuck on the stairs which was a really nicely done obstruction.
      The last part of the maze was a bit empty though, with no tricks needed or danger to evade, just simply walking to the goal, and I think that was a bit of wasted space and potential. Which is why I had to bump off a star.

      Anyway, nice relaxing maze :)
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      good design.
      interactives paths.

      but so many R which doesnt has function. just walking around.
      if they did something important like pushing ball to open path, or be a ride for B. this level can be rated 5 stars.
      Jom likes this.
    • Rating:
      +1 star for being playable
      +1 star for no shortcut
      +1 star for the nice design
      +1 star for the enjoyable gameplay :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      Another enjoyable path! So, "best friend" I will describe as R as a good friend, and Z/Zapper as a bad friend. I was shocked and wasn't focused at the 2nd Z area. No shortcut to explain about and there's no nitpicking here. Good job my friend! ;)
    • P_simorf
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus

      I didn't even consider that analogy! That's actually smart! I made the level because I just want to make a level that's similar to the original 50 levels yet the design is quite my style (using the shape of letters as pathways).
    • Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      @P_simorf Wait, I thought you have an analogy for this one :rotf: I'm the smartest after all (hopefully :cool:) Besides that, I found your level was the same logic as original level 21 (Venice Volts). You have that logic my friend! Thanks for sharing ;)
    • Rating:
      Hot dog & hallelujah, I won on the 1st try!
      One star off 'cause it's so easy, I won on the 1st try.
      Ironic, maybe? :rotf:
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    Letters, Numbers, and Scripts
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    May 15, 2020
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