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No tricks needed

    • Iskandar
      Enjoy, be carefull
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I was enjoying this level a lot until I got to the R mount time. Since P wasn't frozen, R mounted P while P turning/moving and that makes R unstable. When P dropped off R at the rail, R wouldn't continue just turned and turned. Restarted and a similar thing happened but R slipped a few times and then straighten up. All this could have been avoided if the LOWER bot was frozen (still) when the upper bot mounted. The rest of the level was excellent.
    • Iskandar
      @Meko Guy Yeah, sorry for that, I couldn't find a place to place the freeze. so I let it and play it becomes tense in that section, and make the fun disappear for a moment. but in the end it relaxed
      Thanks for P, C and R☺
    • Meko Guy
      @Iskandar - You have room to add a stationary lift just ahead of the lift that R is on. R's lift can start one up while the other would be ground level. Doing this would make your level stable and fun.
    • Rating:
      Lang Tao Jin
      Not too hard but intersting.Thanks for sharing!
    • Iskandar
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      enjoying to play around
      at beginning, where B is walking
      at narrow alley, and bumped with grass
      blocks above his head, then transfered.
    • Rating:
      —Well-designed gameplay.
      Great multi-bot puzzle. Although no tricks are required, I used one to keep the bots on track and prevent restarts. :D

      The path was obscured just enough to be intuitive. The added decorations are nice. :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Nice one :)
    • Rating:
      Very enjoyed... Mantap iskan.. Heran saya pada ngasi 4. Ada sorkatnya kah??
    • Iskandar
      @BangTe gada sorkat bang, cuman mereka bilang R diatas P agak ga stabil gitu buat sampe ke winnya
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