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What Goes Up

A fun level (I hope). I'd like to thank Don't Rowe for his always patient counsel and thoughts. Thanks also to Richard Fu, whose "Spirits" inspired this level. Richard, I hope you like it! Enjoy!

What Goes Up
Black1226, Dec 19, 2017
MomoKeego, Ray Aznable, hadi and 2 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Nice sequence of tricks, thanks!
    • Rating:
      Nice last move - a good mix of tricks and routes. Thanks

      Question: Does the top slider have a purpose?
    • Black1226
      Thanks, guys. I really like the last move to. I fell in love with that last one and had to use it. Thanks for the nice 4 rating!
      @chemi and @gmacpro, did you have any trouble at the end? I don't want to be more specific, but if you did you'll know what I mean. I did.

    • gmacpro
      @Black1226 - Not a lot of trouble, on 2nd attempt (at the end) B got to the win. You didn't answer my question?
    • Black1226
      I suspect it was different than the problem I had.

      I didn't even see your question! Yes, I needed that slider. See spoiler.

      B has to be completely enclosed to enter the hovering state consistently. I removed it at Don's urging, but found I couldn't replicate the desired state better than 50% of attempts.if you use it like this : Get B in the swecond box, then lower the first box a quarter turn, move the slider so it's centered over the middle square at the top of the second box, then flip the first box back up so it knocks the slider out of the way, and also gives you a place to tap to get him out of the box, thereby floating a short distance and dropping on the win platform.
    • gmacpro
      @Black1226 - My last move was different
      I didn't use HOVER at all. My B auto piloted and landed on the wedge and I used the 1st rotating slider to bump B up on the platform.
      BTW I tried your way and I couldn't get B to land on the platform while mine works every time.
    • Black1226
    • Black1226
      Okay, it took me a while to figure out how to embed a video. Gnac, this one's for you
    • Black1226
      I still can't figure all the ways to use autopilot. Live been reading the Behaviors forum and Truth to learn from what. Fascinating, but evidentially there are many ways to use autopilot. See the above video for my solution. Thanks, GMAC. I was afraid y'all would have the problem I had, but yours is totally different
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Sculron
      Nice lvl, nice tricks. Dropped one star because the lvl is kinda short. Nothing wrong with four stars though ;)
      After completing, i watched your video. I see you had some problems with the first move:
      simply tap the last block, move the slider up before B reaches it, and he'll jump off the edge
      The last move was nice. I tried to implement that into one of my older lvl's, but couldn't make it stable, so I deleted it. You managed to make it stable, well done :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Looks like something went wrong with my rating. Here are the 4 stars ;)
    • Black1226
      Thanks, really glad you liked it! I know it's short, most of my levels are. I'm getting better. I hope, with a little help from my friend..... Thanks for the 4 rating, so far a solid 4. I'll figure it out one of these days how to extend gameplay and deemphasize the setting (I should live so long)! That's the main problem, I like the background to be picture perfect, which evidently interferes with the path and gameplay. I figure when I can combine both, I'll go into the internet game business!

      Hohoho! Thanks, Skulron.
    • Black1226
      Oh yeah, the first jump. I shoulda edited that. My problem was that I was tired and had run through that jump so many times my fingers weren't moving as fast as B. And, that was my first attempt at making a video of gameplay, so I was probably thinking "don't screw up, don't screw up..."

      Excuses, excuses.
    • gmacpro
      @Black1226 - The auto pilot wasn't an advanced one see video

    • Black1226
      Thanks. I couldn't see how you got him from the stone block to the ledge of the win platform, the video was winding. But a neat little bump. I'll watch again when my big tablet is charged
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  • Category:
    Playable Bug/Exploit Levels
    Uploaded By:
    Dec 19, 2017
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