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The storm has ended, and your ship is broken. What could help in this desolate island?

richardfu_, Oct 1, 2016
Playtime, MomoKeego, Helena and 3 others like this.
    • richardfu_
    • Rating:
      Now there's no shortcut :D
    • chemi
      Gulp! I think I used the shortcut because this time I am not able to cross to the other side... o_O
    • richardfu_
      @chemi With the shortcut this level is too short, isn't it? :)
    • chemi
      Any tip about what to do after Kung-Fu B? In the other level I was able to jump to the other side but with the new block... :(
    • richardfu_
      @chemi Have you seen the hole on the wall?:D Also check my last spoiler.
    • Rating:
      @chemi Sorry! I really thought that was the intended solution last time...

      Great level, as usual! I liked the jerky, realistic movement of the damaged boat (although I didn't know boats had wheels ;)), and the awesome kung fu action in this episode. The terrain was awesome, and the rowboat looked cute. I'm looking forward to rescuing R in the upcoming episodes ;)
    • Rating:
      Done! I dream the solution sleeping this night. Mekorama owns me... :confused:
      Tap on one level and walk in another one is called: climbing trick? How is called then the Kung-Fu jump?
    • chemi
      @Frenzies I was really surprised I finished a @richardfu level not using everything in it. In this case it was a big area of the level... so it was a shortcut and we didn't know...
    • Frenzies
      @chemi I didn't turn around, so I didn't even see the slider and stuff at the back, Lol.
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      Starting back at the beginning of this series now. Lots of fun, enjoyed the
      flying kick
      . So is that an island native? Will we meet more of them?
    • Frenzies
      @B Hill Yes, as you can already see in the later episodes, and this series is a continuation of the Expedition series (which was a continuation of the Sneak In series).
    • Rating:
      Hmmm... I have forgotten to let a review on this one :)
      I remember that I used the falling trick to get the draggable slider and didn't need to get inside the "cave". Indeed I loved the use of the tree and the end of the path and... well... everything.
    • Rating:
      Amazing storyline,great boat mechanism,very tricky and a lot of fun!! GREAT!! :D Thanks for sharing and excellent job @richardfu_ ;)
    • Rating:
      Fantastic level! Loved the boat, I almost drowned before I realised I had to jump!
      Was almost stuck until I remembered I could use auto pilot
      I'm working my way through your levels and I love the simple logic but tricky thought processes the most :)
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    richardfu season 2
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    Oct 1, 2016
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