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Rooftop Escape

B is under house arrest for graft and corruption. Help B escape from the rooftop. Autopilot, ball walking, and claustrophobia are the tricks used in this level.

Rooftop Escape
P_simorf, Aug 8, 2020
MomoKeego, Helena, Iskandar and 4 others like this.
    • P_simorf
      1. First part where B is on the rooftop is ability-based. Make a way to shoot the ball into the hole. Once the ball reaches the mechanism, the metal platform will go down. Make sure that B is standing on the platform.
      2. Red bricks (though I hate their color and they ruin the design of the level map) must be tapped so that you'll reach to your next destination.
      3. There are two balls where you can only push them if you perform a trick (autopilot for one ball and walking on the ball for the other ball) beforehand.
      4. The last part requires ball autopilot. Make sure that all draggables are in their right position so that you can autopilot to the win block.
      Have fun!
    • P_simorf
      This is a repost as I discovered a shortcut which is quite unnoticeable yet it can ruin the gameplay if the player also used the shortcut. The shortcut is B can autopilot to the Z-shaped draggable. I've already prevented it in this repost.

      The succeeding comments will feature quotes from @Anomynous , @ridgerunner , @Meko Guy , and @delator77 .
    • P_simorf
      @Anomynous commented this and rated the previous card with 5 stars.
    • P_simorf
      @ridgerunner commented this and rated the level with 5 stars.

      He used a different path after bumping the ball near the zapper draggable. He autopiloted to the white space and then performed again the same trick to the other draggable.

      My apologies if I also prevented your alternative path in this level. I personally find the autopilot to the white map awesome yet the other draggable where B should lead to has other possible autopilots within the map that can make the ball near the budgeable useless.
      ct12387 likes this.
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy commented this.
      I'm sorry if i was not able to add recovery points. Thanks also for your advice regarding recovery points and placing steps without recovery points near the start of the level.
      ct12387 likes this.
    • P_simorf
      @delator77 commented this and rated the level with 5 stars.
    • Rating:
      TLDR; "Long and fun". That's basically my review.

      I beat this level with two hints from the video. 1 hint was to go down the stairs on the corner opposite the start. 2nd hint was for getting to the finish without the ball there.

      In general this level would be a 4 star because like @Meko Guy said, you have to do the level over and over and can't get back up if you make a mistake. But it isn't that bad. For example one draggable in the middle can push you back if you make a mistake.

      Some balls take a while to move, for example the one on the corner that goes down into the hole. Not sure if there is some trick I am unconsciously doing to finally get them to roll.

      The beginning ball sometimes gets stuck on the zappers.

      The horizontal slider at the bottom at the start sometimes gets a little stuck but after a minute keeps going.

      But the fun and playability in this level really deserves 5 stars. The tricks are interesting and smooth. The mechanics are mostly stable. The beginning mechanism is also interesting.

      The level is also not too impossible.
    • P_simorf
      Thank you for playing, commenting, and rating!
    • Rating:
    • P_simorf

      When I learned from @ridgerunner that B can autopilot out of the map using draggable with visible slider and the
      odd-looking two stairs, I found it "coooooool". I suddenly remembered "dhakka 3" where odd-looking stairs can make B fall.

      I wanted to incorporate @ridgerunner 's alternative step (autopilot out of the map using the draggable with visible slider) then autopilot inside using the other one-block draggable at the corner). The problem with the draggable at the corner is it allows unwanted and unstable autopilots that may lead to undesired shortcuts.

      The autopilot of B out of the map is now a red herring huhuhu.

      P.S. @ridgerunner did that alternative step so that B will not need to encounter the two zappers. It's a longer pathway yet it's actually clever!
    • P_simorf

      Originally, I wanted to make the sliders behind the building manual yet a player may drag the slider repeatedly (maybe out of curiosity to see if the budgeable can fall without using the ball). To prevent that from happening, I made the sliders automatic.
    • Rating:
      Nice fix:thumbsup: Same FUN,same rating...Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;) Lan bikaina,bai jauna...Great job,yes sir:rolleyes:
      P_simorf likes this.
    • P_simorf

      I like the way you comment. The fact that you shared your experiences in playing will give the makers ideas on how to improve their level-making skills.
    • P_simorf
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      very long journey,
      also you set all the paths
      so perfectly, they are stable,
      and has recovery point if fall to whitefloor.

      and then, you invented new thing,
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