Spoiler: Info Spoiler: Trick Nothing only behavior R, goes over head B. Spoiler: Hint be careful when lowering B and R in a rolling ball, you have to do it slowly for balls that bring B to the starting position, don't tap the ball, but tap the block in front of the ball Spoiler: VS
+1 star for being playable +1 star for no shortcut +1 star for the nice design +1.5 stars for the fun easy gameplay -0.5 star as one move is a bit unstable
... you r now a good author. ur levels contain unique moves. unfortunately in this level there is one unstable move Spoiler: R + B rolling on Ball but I won't reduce one star, cuz the whole concept is perfect.
I liked the tricky ball move. Type of move that can be tried a few times and a reliable technique developed.
@Ray Aznable thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it .. yep, I have included it in the hint, so be careful when rolling the ball Thanks for P,C&R
I enjoyed this level. A little unstable but I think that was me. Some thought was required and then I thought I seen a shortcut but it wasn't. Great work!!
@Meko Guy glad you enjoyed this level yup, at first i also thought there would be a shortcut, but i can't find it xixi, thanks for P, C & R
@Ray Aznable I have a little free time and get excited to make a level @Anomynous thank you, i appreciate it. also thanks for P, C & R