Spoiler: Tricks -AUTOPILOTS -CLAUSTROPHOBIA -SBS -SQUAT DROP -CANCEL TAP Spoiler: Intended Video Solution
@delator77 You played it under 30 mints It's just like a trophy to me that my levels gets alot of sweet and wonderful appreciation from all you guyz♥️ Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
... @Anomynous i know about zapper walk i have seen that alot in mr. @Meko Guy 's levels... but i didnt know it could work in tiny space.
... anyway amazing gameplay like always... Spoiler: ...continue ur level always providing entertaining ball pushing like Mr.@D.S.Masters's level but smaller... and trick logic like Mr.@Meko Guy's but easier... doesnt mean to compare you, but those senior are real best in their way, one best in designing, and second one best in logic trick. also, few times I'm fooled by this ball Spoiler: Picture
@Ray Aznable such a nice review my frnd i love adding traps like thisjust like recently in HAVE FUN .. I placed B in front of ball but that ball should be pust at last Thanks 4 always supporting and 4 P,C&R✨
Packed with fun moves .. especially the multipurpose use of many of the elements. Very clever Thanks for sharing!
... @trids small level but the journey is quite long. we need to do back and forth, coming back to passing zapper tower about 7 times. maximizing the existency of that tower.
Also the horizontal draggable came in useful many times .. took me a few painful mistakes to learn to use it each time it was necessary
Whew those autopilot and flying sbs are insaaaaaaane The autopilot that i'm referring to is the draggable that i need to hold so that B can go down
+1 star for being playable +1 star for no shortcut +1 star for the nice design +2 stars for the fun gameplay -0.5 star as the claustrophobia squat drop didn't work well for me -0.5 star as one of the auto sliders didn't work properly for me (it stopped moving when the top ball touched it in one of my gameplays! )