Spoiler: Info Spoiler: Title Explanation of taking the title name Fadem. in a large Indonesian dictionary, fadem means the unit of measurement of 6.11643 m³ for wood load. I took a reference from 6.11643 m³ to 6 blocks, so my Fadem level map size is 6x6x6 .. Spoiler: Hint Tricks: -Cancel tap -Auto pilot -Low ceiling Many ways to reach the winning block Spoiler: V S
+1 star for being playable +1 star for no shortcut +1 star for the design +1 star for the short gameplay
Great fun! My first win was accidental - but after careful inspection i discovered the clever trick Now I'm looking for one of the promised alternative ways
@EL797 @ridgerunner @trids @Ray Aznable @delator77 thanks all for P, C, & R. @Ray Aznable yeah, I'm sorry for the short gameplay, limited design, so I have to abbreviate it
@trids no, no... what I mean by many ways is you can choose to use other tricks, here I use cancel tap, you can use sss, and for other steps... but maybe, is there really another way? who knows, that would be awesome thank you @trids
... @Iskandar hard word choice "abbreviate" anyway, design is very good but just the fun is end so quick due to short gameplay... also, what does Fadem means?