@Ray Aznable Well, maybe I chose the wrong word. precisely, running out of ideas to add gameplay to the already full design. I understand that, as if we've just been given pleasure, and that pleasure ends when we just start to enjoy it ... thank you I already added the 'Fadem' explanation in the first comment, and you can find out more clearly by opening the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
... @Iskandar wow cool, never heard about that. are u some sort of contractor building project with woods?
@Ray Aznable What is that? I did not know about that.. I took the idea of naming my level titles using words in KBBI, such as Kualon and Kuang, words like that have meaning in the KBBI dictionary ... I like to collect local words that sound unfamiliar, which then I will adjust to make levels by entering meaning from the word. my next level might be 'Kuark' or 'Eselon'
... @Iskandar yes, those words i never heard them. thanks for sharing ur knowledge. anyway, ever read about kuark, atom isnt the smallest matter, atom consisted from proton, electron and neutron, and kuark is part of inside neutron.
@Ray Aznable well that's amazing about Kuark, it seems like you can explain it better than me, I can understand it.. and I need deep attention to put that meaning into a level, hopefully the results are good, look forward to it
@Ray Aznable Yep, that's right ... I intend to create a level, with the intention of each Bots occupying their respective castes