@trids BTW i also learned many steps from your old demo,s At that time they all were superb discovery
@Ray Aznable there's nothing unstable. Also it's your 1st time that you gave 4⭐ to me. I'll work hard next time to snatch some extra stars from you Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
Thanks @Anomynous, they were all based on discoveries by others at the time. I just tried to make sense of them for beginners. And also to legitimise them as valid tricks/techniques at a time when some people considered them cheats. Pretty much the same as the way that some people currently look down on multiple/alternative solutions to puzzles .. instead of seeing them as extra sources of enjoyment and opportunities to think outside the box. That's actually what i love about your puzzles, and i thank you for resisting efforts to vandalise them when alternative solutions are found. Not just for me, but also for the learning opportunities that they provide all of us in this community. So, thanks again for that!
... @Anomynous i restart 12 times caused by B always failed to do autopilot on ball between stairs, B flew away to white, B stuck on pipe with tilted body, B weirdly jump to fence then stuck. and lol tho its only a joke now @EL797 got angry on me...
@Ray Aznable I didn't feel angry but confused on your 'talk a lot' joke.... but since you have explained it, there is nothing I can be angry nor confused with.
@Ray Aznable As i commented in thread it's hard to make R stable in Limbo effect.. but i i acacceed this challenge
@trids Really appreciated✨♥️ I m happy that my levels is a source of learning 4 others ✨ I m sure my queue will entertain you more
.... @Anomynous wow nice. that mean this level doesnt has dead end. recovery points is everywhere, except if u stuck in the river or fence.