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On My Way

On My Way
Anomynous, Jun 19, 2020
    • Rating:
      Fun level in a small space. Small levels sometimes are claustrophobic with awkward navigation but this one was open and clean. Nice tricks back to back. I had to look up the slider move at the end because I didn't realize it was low enough to hit B. The only issue with this level is the slider can softlock you during the final move/trick if you push it too slowly and B falls onto the rail and can't go anywhere. Having the last trick of a level be one that can softlock you is frustrating. If you could make that move retriable that would improve the level. I was able to get it on the second try though. Overall enjoyed this one, good combination of tricks, and fun use of the trampoline
    • Anomynous
      @Jom yepp i can understand:p many players knows what's the trick but didn't know how to perform it perfect. Earlier i also found this thing difficult but then i spend a lot of time on Mekorama now i have learned alot:p
      Jom likes this.
    • Anomynous
      Jom likes this.
    • Anomynous
      @shultz :eek::rolleyes::thumbsup: Hi my new frnd.
      It's your 1st time to give review on my level.
      And such a nice and detailed review:thumbsup:
      Encourage me alot:p
      Also the last part is also the part of the challenge:D:p

      Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
    • Rating:
      Super duper fun!
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