UPDATE: The update to mekorama changed some block dynamics and broke this level. This new card should work as intended: https://mekoramaforum.com/attachments/assault-jpg.39358/ (click to play online) I tried to make the gameplay as consistent as possible, but there is some luck involved in this one. Hopefully the tricks are enjoyable enough to repeat as needed (they are for me). Spoiler: Tricks Claustrophobia, side-step stairs, springboard stairs, mid-air tap, and an inertia effect that I don't know a name for. Video solution here.
The design is great. But it's annoying 4 me personally to repeat sbs sss mit The starting Panzer looks cool
Very Unstable mechanism. Overall level is nicely designed but with Short/No gameplay. Add some game play for more fun Thanks For Sharing
And here I was worried it would be too hard to break the gate, requiring too many tries. On my devices, B always had to do quite a bit of fancy climbing...
I can't judge any further because of the many tricks used ... and that's not my forte ... I came because you gave me feedback on my level ... I'll be waiting for your next level ... thank you ...
Great level! - I won without watching the video solution.(I got it, through trial and error). I really enjoyed this level even though it was repetitive. Edit: I watched the video and my gameplay was different from your video.