@Ray Aznable your video have little differents 1. You hit the ball. i said push 2. No cancel tap requires 3. Do Repeating auto pilot when you get wrong way 10 times!! Wow funtastic Thanks for PCR
Very obscure level and thanks for the video as I wasn't dropping the high ball right and it rolled away three times so that got me on track. I didn't like the ONE STEP auto pilot UP (in your video :37 and 2:24) move as B can go over onto the white space. The R ball tap wasn't expected but R had to go that way and obviously B needed to come from the top.
... @BangTe Spoiler: my reply is too long, i put it in here sometimes, when i push the ball with fence dragable, ball went missed out of the map, it landed on the stair below of pipe then rolling on. i hit it hard, though there's a stair above of stair, which will block the ball to rolling out of the map. accidentally did that, due to camera angle. hopefully if someone watching mine, at that part, I was showing two differencies of autopilot's paths produced by two position of dragable. 1. put dragable below stair, B will walk in shape of "U" letter, to push zapper above. 2. put dragable the same height with red brick, B will walk in shape of "L" letter, to make B jump on wedge at ground floor, then push a ball for P to walk on.
Interesting looking level that was fun to play. Good variety of autopilots and i liked the reverse push of the ball by draggable.
@Ray Aznable you said2 differencies of auto pilots. @ridgerunner said good variety of auto pilots I am glad you guys have said it To @Meko Guy You explained very precisely and yes B need come from the top And to you all Thanks for PLAY COMMMENT and RATING
@BangTe As explained by @Meko Guy, I was stuck in that part, Autopilot on 0:40, B instead turns left and out the area or doesn't even move and stuck on the wedge, sorry I tried it in a few times, I didn't give a rating because I couldn't finish it.
I was stuck until I read the comments and found that the Hercules push was to be made at the end. Anyway, fun level with some cool moves. Some moves I didn't think would work, but they worked just fine. Thanks for sharing @BangTe
Ow hay @Azza Dont forget this Read the description first Or trick list and then play it Thanks for PLAY COMMENT and RATING